When life gives you lemons....

in #stalkers8 years ago

Ok so some random guy on Facebook has been trying to add me for a few months now and has been sending me messages here and there. I have no clue who he is and we don't have any mutual friends and I am engaged to be married and don't enjoy inviting that bullshit into my domain....10 seconds after ignore him and chill...I ended up having to cuss him out because he was getting really creepy.

He then called me a dumb cunt and told me to go read a book. I was bawling my eyes out after reading that....I was in tears...from how hard I was laughing at that statement because now I REALLY know that this motherfucker doesn't know shit about me. Just because I cussed you out doesn't mean my vernacular isn't extensive as fuck. I just enjoy highlighting most of my terminology with expletives. Gtfoh. 

Reading is totally my favorite and I can put down 3 novels in 1 week. I wish I had a better comeback then that at the time, but I guess sometimes I'm smarter than I look

  When life gives you lemons...tell that cunt to go read a book


You should be able to block him and limit access to your page to just 'friends' as opposed to 'friends of friends' or 'public'. I hope this helps.

I certainly did after this incident! Thanks for the tip!

Why haven't you just explain the situation to him?

I certainly did and for some reason it made him angry and aggressive towards me.

I actually dealt with something really similar recently. I wrote a lil rant and used the fuck word like 4 times, and this guy comments and he's like.. "You used fuck 4 times in a paragraph, you suck at language" or something to that effect. I don't remember exactly what it was he said, but.. I was like Jesus.. Because one of my lil rants has the same expletive in it numerous times, this is somehow characteristic of my language in general?

I've been writing poetry and long articles for a long time and most people often tell me how good I am at communicating in a way that is almost like they are shocked or surprised based on what they are used to, I gather.

I was just literally perplexed how 99% of people say positive things in regards to such and this guy was talking shit based off of one small paragraph status update.. I think he was more insecure about the topic at hand and felt that was the only way to lash out at me and try to get me back for the topic I brought up, and.. Maybe that's what was going on with your person as well, or something similar. Some kind of envy or jealousy possibly. People are weird. ._.

Absolutely! We are alike in so many ways and I too have received numerous compliments on my articulacy and verbage. It was certainly jealousy in my honest opinion because he made comments about my appearance several times while I asked him who he was and if I knew him. I'm incredibly careful with who I add on Facebook because of my daughter so it left a bad taste in my mouth.

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