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RE: Trash Talk: On Blast

in #stalker9 years ago (edited)

Who do feminist, that supposedly promote "equality"

have post with titles like Women of Steemit: Artist Edition and Women of Steemit: vol 1

Where is the equality on that?
Can't people see through you? That is what I don't understand.


Good question!

You're right that it is exclusive to women, and I can see where that can further the gap. However, if you missed it, when I was talking about that project I also mentioned doing another one including all genders.

I still argue for this project to have a women's only feature. I think it is important for women to support each other.

Does this mean women's only spaces are sexist? No. Reverse sexism doesn't exist.

"To argue for men’s inclusion into women’s political and structural spaces is not only fundamentally heterosexist; it also serves an old nationalistic claim that women need to take care of men, no matter where they are located and or what they are engaged with." -Patricia McFadden

Also you respond insulting my intelligence (or anyone's for that matter)

Isn't creating women's spaces "fundamentally heterosexist" to the same degree than to "argue for men’s inclusion into women’s ... spaces"?

To want to make people belive you want equality with your posts and then come up with posts for women is equally insulting.

Either you accept and want equality for better or for worse, or you don't. Making excuses for when equality doesn't suit you is of very poor taste

It was never my intention to belittle anyone. If I have insulted you, I am sorry.

Isn't creating women's spaces "fundamentally heterosexist" to the same degree than to "argue for men’s inclusion into women’s ... spaces"?

No. The heterosexist dynamic does not affect women in the same way it affects men. A majority of spaces are by default, male spaces.

While I agree that it may be overcompensating to have female only spaces, it is also necessary. The deck is always stacked against women.

I went into more details about sexism and privilege here if you're interested.

Writing your statement in bold letters does not make it any less false.

Can you give me scientific proof of anything that you are stating (as opposed to a quote )?

Yes, and you keep insulting me

So far all you have proven to me is that you want a set of rules for women and one for men, because of reeasons. The reasons don't matter, you cannot use means oppsed to the end you say you seek.

Here is the link, since it is impossible to read in the image below

How can you be so full of shit and not realize it. I can't comprehend it.

All this victimhood feminism, all it wants is power. there is always the double standard where equality is one set of rules for one and one for the other. you should be ashamed of yourself

You were the one with the post about "separating from the archaic mind" funny to say the least

To argue for men’s inclusion into women’s political and structural spaces also serves an old nationalistic claim that women need to take care of men

Are you crazy?

I can't understand you, i am in awe

The examples listed in the comic above are examples of privileges, not sexism.

Reverse sexism doesn't exist because the dominant group does not suffer from institutionalized discrimination. The same reason white people cannot be victims to racism. Cis men cannot be a victim of sexism because they are not systematically oppressed.

That being said, I never downplayed men's issues. My whole point is that gender constructs are harmful to everyone.

The definitions of sexism comes from the dictionary, ´please look sexism up, and show me a dictionary in which sexism excludes men as victims

Also, while you are at it, find me a definition of racism that states that white people cannot be victims.


About gender constucts, please don't play dumb with me vera, you are anything but

It is clear we have different definitions of privilege and sexism.

Can you give me an example of what I said that can be perceived as a harmful gender construct?

Western women are not systematically opressed for being women either. I am not, and neither is any other women I know.

Nor my female friends or family are or have been opressed for being women, and we are just regular people.

gender constructs are harmful to everyone.

That is what you have been doing in every one of your posts

women are aaaa

men are bbb

women ccccc

men pppp

maybe you don't believe in equality as much as you say