I affirm that I am empowered to do things beyond the ordinary, and I am accomplishing great feats by the Spirit, and through the power of God’s Word. I am an offspring of the Word, and the Word has separated me from the destructions that ruin men’s lives, and the judgment of this world. I am identified with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection, and now walk in newness of life. I’ve been granted insight into the mysteries and secrets of all that the Father did for me in Christ, with the full understanding of my place in Him, the position of authority I occupy, and my oneness with Him. I am built up by the Word of God’s grace and catapulted to the realms of glory. I have in me an inherent ability to be effective and efficient in all that I do, producing lasting and extraordinary results! I am equipped and ordained for a fruitful and productive life. I am effective in my job, business, ministry, and in every area of my life. Glory to God!