in #stach6 years ago (edited)

We got to the hospital and requested to see a doctor. I was a bit scared because I knew I would be judged by my actions. I was scared because I might not even have a womb anymore, the AC was blowing fully but I was sweating profusely. I couldn't sit down as a result of the occasional jerk of sharp pains I was feeling. So I started to pace as I wait for my turn to see the doctor. Kate was sitting, I could see she was tensed too, she was restless and kept asking the nurse at the desk how much longer we had to wait.
Finally, it was my turn, Kate stood up and held my hand, together we walked to the doctor's office. Kate knocked once and turned the knob, we entered and greeted the doctor who seemed to be busy reading only God knows what on his phone. "Good morning" we greeted,"Good morning please take a seat" he responded still not looking up. He was obviously a very young doctor, probably 30 or 31. I dare to say he looked charming. He looked up and smiled , hmmm I thought of sunshine, he had this look that says come to me, I was stricken for a moment but I must be a foolish girl for thinking such nonsense at this critical time.. Kate was already introducing us and our purpose for coming. I could see him consciously not trying to look my way. His tag read "Dr. Thornton". When Kate was done, he scribbled some things down and looked up at me. I sank.
"Can I see the result of the last scan you did?". I gave him. "what drug did u take?" I told him. "how many pills did you take?", I told him. "Can you describe how you are feeling right now" well, I tried all i could to describe the horror going on Inside of me.
"I think you are experiencing contractions, what you did was highly risky and you put your life on the line. Why didn't you come to the hospital after 5 days of intense bleeding and pains? You want to die?" Tears had started building up in my eyes. "let me explain the intensity of what's going on to you" he continued.
" In rare circumstances, abortion can cause damage to the cervix or uterus in the process.This would be more common with a woman who has had multiple abortions," Thornton explained . Any procedure where an instrument is inserted inside the uterus can potentially cause scarring in these areas, especially when it's done multiple times. But this possibility of scarring also exists in pregnancies that end in births. For women who have had multiple abortions, it’s the same risk as a woman who has had multiple pregnancies in general" Thornton explained. In the “very uncommon” cases where this becomes a problem, surgical removal of the scar tissue can usually solve the problem and restore fertility.
Having multiple abortions can result in a higher risk that the placenta will implant abnormally in future pregnancies. "That doesn’t affect fertility, but it is an obstetrical complication of multiple pregnancies or abortions. It's pretty uncommon—and, again, this can happen after multiple full-term pregnancies, too.
This is all assuming an abortion is done in a regulated, healthcare setting. Unsafe, illegal abortions can lead to permanent damage."
I couldn't take it anymore. Was doctor Thronton trying to insinuate that my uterus was damaged? Ehh I don die I thought to myself.
" We need to examine you to know what is actually going on with you". He scribbled what looked like rubbish to me on a piece of paper and asked that I go to the scan room and come back with the result.
I stood up shaking all over. The tears were flowing freely now, Dr. Thronton had the pity look on his face. Kate patted my back as we left his office to go do the scan check. Took about 30 minutes to do the scan and I returned to Dr. Thronton's office with the results which I handed over to him. He observed the drawings and read the results nodding and tapping his pen on the table. This made me very uncomfortable.
"The pills sure made your uterus contract, the fetus is greatly injured and of course some damages have been done to your reproductive system". "We need to do a dilation and curettage on you to remove the fetus because there's a 90 percent chance that if left to develop, it might come out with a disability, like having no ears, no limbs or having down syndrome. Would you risk that?". "no sir" I responded." Okay , I'm booking you for a very minor surgery in 20 mins, it doesn't take long but it hurts a lot"
We walked out of his office and went to wait for 20 mins as they prepared to do whatever with me. I cried. I tried Dexter's line again, I was still blocked...... I was tempted to borrow Kate's phone to call him but knowing Kate very well, she might knock my head. I cried and cried and begged heaven to wake me up from this nightmare. I pinched myself, nothing happened, I pinched again and obviously, it dawned on me that this was my reality.
20 mins was up and it was time to go in. I begged them to allow Kate go in with me and they agreed even though Kate was scared to be in there. I laid down on that bed with tears still streaming down my face, Kate held me and whispered a short prayer of mercy into my ears. Why wasn't Kate my mother's daughter I wondered... She has always been there to rescue me from time immemorial. The process began.... Damn!!! For the past eleven days, I thought I had experienced the most extreme pain possible for a human but this was something else. It was as though all my inside were being pulled out violently, like I was been ripped into pieces by a vampire, I moaned, I grinded my teeth to prevent me from shouting, I dug my nails into Kate's flesh. How can this be happening to me? Love, look what you made me do... After a while that seemed like eternity, iPhotoGrid_1528801519958.jpg wasn't sure right there that I would be able to go through the process and finish alive. I was loosing strength, I couldn't take it no more "Take my life please" I whispered "death please come for me" I prayed. Kate heard me and gave me a really disgusted look... She had no idea what I was going through. I could feel my heart beat slowing, death seemed to have heard me afterall. I let go off Kate's hands as I embraced my death with such calmness I wouldn't have thought possible. I heard Kate call my name, I could feel the commotion in the room.. Something pricked at my hand, needle, must be needle... I could no longer feel the pains, I just had calmness, I could still hear Kate calling out for me, her voice was faint. The last thing I heard was a male's voice ordering Kate to be taken out of the room and Kate's frightened voice calling out F-I-D-A-H....

TO BE CONTINUED...........


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