Under the udder of the cow.

in #stach7 years ago (edited)

Do you see what I see...?
The picture above is an unpleasant graphic image.
Caught red-handed, right under the udder !
You would wonder,
What on earth is an Adult Full grown Male Man,
Wearing " suit and suit " like a Manager,
acting like a man-in-a-manger,
( the Nkita Dog won't even be tempted! )
From the above, who qualifies to be
The Oga on Top.....???

The photograph above this post was grafted by an Oyibo man.

So they too have understood the mystery behind the cow milk.
While we down here in Africa are yet to awake from stupor...😴😴
not just slumber !

This Creamy ardent addiction was propagated and promoted to be our sole and supreme source of Calcium, needed for
better bones and tougher teeth, and to prevent Osteoporosis
and Osteomalacia .

But alas, Instead of bringing us hope, health and help,
It has unleashed an avalanche of harm , hurts and hazards.

To the extent that

  1. Bovine Leukemia ( blood cancer) ,
  2. Bovine Tuberculosis
    As well as
  3. Bovine Encephalitis ( mad cow disease or MCD for short )
  4. Bovine HIV, transmitted from the lean, infected Herdsmen , who rape the cows they rear...😳😳

... ALL these Diseases have become
entrenched In the chronicle of Human sicknesses just because
of " longer throat alias akpiri ogologo "

Come to think of it, there is a possibility that our
Bomb-blasting Brothers (boko haram) may be exhibiting symptoms
of the globally dreaded Mad Cow Disease...( MCD)

Probably transmitted through the traditional and unchecked
intake and consumption of the ancient, tantalizing "Fura Dinono "

This will surely be a very interesting Professorial Research topic:

To Establish a link between High Deposits of Casein ( protein in cow milk)
in the human brain, and the Strong tendency to Suicide-Bombing Behaviour?

As you can see, this type of Research is above the level of Bsc,
Msc and even Phd !

Ambition should be made of sterner stuff abi ?

This stuff is surely not for " yon Cassius that has a lean and hungry look", Our Researchers in the house, who shall bell the cat..or poosi ( as my
Grandmother , Nnenne would call it )

That takes me back to our Secondary school days at FGGC Owerri in the Mid 80's.
We had this very wonderful English Teacher then , who talked with a nasal accent, which we loved to mimick.
God forgive our naughtiness back then.

It so happened that this fateful day,
, Oga Teacher drank Coke
from the canteen , and didn't bother to return the empty glass coke bottle
to the Canteen Attendant.

Days later, he returned the missing
bottle to Sister Anthonia, who was canteen attendant. Oga teacher received an unpleasant insult from the
attendant, for failing to do the due.

Wahala broke out between the two.

Teacher : " youngu lady, are you insulting me because of a bottle of coke?!"
He asked with obvious shock and agitation.

He was our WAEC Officer, and that was a mighty post back then, and now.

Attendant: " Saa ( sir) , if you make yourself a rat, then the cat will pursue you!"
She retorted indignantly in our Igbo Language.

Not minding that Oga Teacher could use his pen and get her a query from the
School Administration or even a sack.

Teacher : (absolutely livid with rage, demanded in the Engli-Igbo grammar:
a colloquial combination of English and Igbo language )

" are you trying to say that I AM THE OKE, and that you are the poosi ??? (translation - i am the rat and you are the cat)

So back to our Professorial Proposal,
who shall become The Powerful Poosi that will help us
capture our Bomb-blasting Brothers, the OKE,
to enable us crack open their skulls , measure the level of Casein in their brain and test if it is responsible for the mind boggling, terrorist Suicide-Bombing Traits!

Thanks for reading. Have a good day.😊😊
Dont forget to follow, upvote, comment and resteem.

Image from google.


milk is delicious tho.

Always makes me cringe.

It is cooollllllll