It's a shame that I ran away
It's a shame I had to do it
Even if my heart beats for it
Unknown resistance hinders me
I love it, my whole life depends on it
It's a shame I had to come back
To an asylum were I find peace
Forgiveness is all I ask
It's a shame that my pen suffers the most
It's a shame that procrastination swallowed me
But thank God I didn't drown
Decisions made sometimes drags down and sometimes it pulls up
It's a shame that time has ran so away that it's tail is all I can see
It's a shame I almost loose grip of a golden spoon
Not giving up despite the shame
Holding my head high not bending down
Not putting on that black gown of shame
Never giving up is my motor
Putting my shame aside and pushing hard not giving in to the past hinderances makes me a man of success intent
Nice one man. Keep at it.
Nice one.....
I like this... Nice one.. Do follow back