Monkee Business : Day 18

OFFICIAL POST for journaling SPUNKEE MONKEE tasks!

What did I do today?
🛁This is how I cared for my Health & Hygiene! 🤩
I took my vitamins, and then meditated.
🌳This is how I made my Environment shine!🏠
I helped clean up the kitchen after dinner.
🤝Here is how I was of service today!👍
I watered the plants around the house.
🎨 Here is how I had fun with my hobbies!🏈
Today I practiced my violin.
👩🏻🎓 I discovered this about what I might want to be 👨🏻🎓
🤔 My special thoughts about today 🤔
Points Earned for Today 

Tasks Complete (out of 5 total) : 4
Total Points For Today: 80
@spunkeemonkee will verify TOTAL points for today in a comment. Remaining BALANCE will be recorded in the comment. If you have enough points to start digging - go dig on the DAY'S Hunt Post! GREAT JOB TODAY, MONKEE!!
All the beautiful graphic from Spunkee Monkee have been designed by the AMAZING @jimramones and belong to Spunkee Monkee. Please only use these graphics when referencing OFFICIAL Spunkee Monkee business! 😊
Completely curious, now, to hear what you practiced?
I imagine this may shock you, but once upon a time, a thousand years ago, I played Bass Clarinet in the Orchestra.
I wasn't dedicated, didn't enjoy music as a younger guy, nor did I practice, nearly enough. you seem to truly enjoy it. Funny thing, music is a big part of me, both in fun and in work, now.
Today's points: 80
Total To Date Earned: 850