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RE: Day #10 Spunkee Monkee daily report

yes! I think that 50 degrees is cold too! Did you know that I live on top of a mountain, and I get snow up here? I don't really like the snow but my children like to play in it! When it snows, I'll take a picture for you to see!

When I'm sick, I love when someone brings a blanket to put on me so I can be warm. I bet your dad really thought that was special for you to take care of him. Parents take care of their children when they are sick. How special for kids to take care of their parents when they are sick!

Tell your dad that Auntie Dreemie hopes that he feel much better soon!

It's ok if you missed a day! We can't always do everything all the time, right? Sometimes there are reasons why we can't get to the computer. But you know what is important? That we keep trying! And doing our best!

I'm so proud of you for doing your tasks!

Those vegetables look really tasty! I bet your mom is a really good cook. I'm glad that you ate some of your vegetables! Maybe if you ate 5 bites this time, you can try for 6 bites next time! :)

You can tell me if you did it for next time ok :)

Aw Monkee Tama - I'm so proud of all my monkees! You all are working so hard to practice these tasks! I hope you are seeing how nice it is to do these things! Not just to earn points but I think your mom and dad are really proud of your attitude and hard work too!

Excellent job! and you DID get the secret question today!!! so 100 points for your tasks and another 100 points for the secret question!

Daily Balance: 1330
Alpha Total: 1480

-Monkee Capt'n Dreemie