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RE: Monkee Business Daily Post #05

in #spunkeemonkee6 years ago

Hi there!

This is an experiment parent-child log, its kinda monitoring the progress of our children as they do their daily chores and other activities at home.. its a 30 day game called spunkee monkee treasure hunt, every good deed deserves a reward but the reward must be earned.

Yes we are not into any form of killing and violence. If you have read in his previous post, my son wanted to be a Policeman, the protector of the good. 😉... rest assured we do not want to harm any living soul.

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yeah!!!!! he is a sweet boy and I love his heart to PROTECT!!! :)

I'm sure that @shookriya will take the time to read it better next time and leave encouragement for @maquemonkee for his awesome heart of service when he visits next time! :) You're a great mom @maquemali!!! :) You should be proud of the way that you raise your boys!!!

I admire the desire to protect innocent people. That is very good of your little monkey. I perhaps was triggered by seeing picture of a boy holding a (toy) automatic weapon. These are not made for any purpose but intimidation and violence to other human beings.

In my view there is a massive desensitization of the youth towards violence in progress through toys, video games, and other sorts of media. I can tell you are a very good mother by how involved you are in your childs life and thats awesome. I do believe however that we have been slowly indoctrinated to see these sorts of things as normal and ok, to create lots of little potential soldiers and people who will look the other way when we are told to "kill the bad guys". No matter who tells you to pull the trigger, whether it is your government or a crime lord or both, you are the one responsible for your actions my friend. Maybe trade in the heavy artillery for a pen or a musical instrument =). Those can be mightier than the sword when used properly.

Perhaps I was insensitive to the situation. No offense was meant, but looking the other way doesn't solve any problems.

Thank you for the concern friend. I truly understand your point of view. If the picture had somehow made you feel uncomfortable, my apologies. Know that it is not within our intention to build a mindset in our children to kill people or the bad guys. He knows that as a Policeman they can apprehend the bad guys nit necessarily kill them. With regards to the toy gun you have a point, but as you can see the toy gun is using an arrow kind of bullet not the pellet bullet even. I dont like that either because that kind of bullet hurts, i dont want anybody being hurt as he play with it. Rest assured that we always remind our child that our lives are worth keeping.

Dont worry, he is still young. He has many things in mind. When he was 3 years old he wanted to be a driver, you know drive all sort of cars. Then now at 6 he wanted to be a policeman because of his toy car too. Who knows he will change his mind again tomorrow. I also introduce the colored pens you say because he is also into arts and other toys too that he might play with not just the toy gun.

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I'm sure I ran around as a kid paying cops and robbers as well. I'm sure he will make a good man. I guess I'm just a bit worried about the direction society seems to be being led. Sometimes it gets the best of me.

Keep up the good work with your Journaling ;). That's a habit I always wish I could keep.

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Hehehehe dont we all do.. 😁

Yes I am a bit worried too, we really do not have control what lies ahead for them. What we can only do is be there for them and constantly guide them in every way. And make sure that goodness is instilled and developed while they are still young.

Thank you so much for making sire I get the right directions for these little monkees! I do hope we can still hear from you once in while.

Take care always! 😊

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