Day #05 Spunkee Monkee daily report

OFFICIAL POST for journaling SPUNKEE MONKEE tasks!

What did I do today?
I went to school today and got my grades! Mommy and daddy were really happy because I got all subjects straight A’s. :)
🛁This is how I cared for my Health & Hygiene! 🤩
I showered by myself and put my clothes on my own!
🌳This is how I made my Environment shine!🏠
Helped mommy clean up the table after we ate dinner.
🤝Here is how I was of service today!👍
I did all my homework today.
🎨 Here is how I had fun with my hobbies!🏈
I finished my drawing today. Here it is:
🤔 My special thoughts about today 🤔
Daddy said if I do good and wait for the things I want it will be worth it when I get it.
Points Earned for Today 

Tasks Complete (out of 5 total) : 5
✅ Hygiene
✅ Environment
✅ Future Career
✅ Service
✅ Hobbies
Total Points For Today: 💯
@spunkeemonkee will verify TOTAL points for today in a comment. Remaining BALANCE will be recorded in the comment. If you have enough points to start digging - go dig on the DAY'S Hunt Post! GREAT JOB TODAY, MONKEE!!
All the beautiful graphic from Spunkee Monkee have been designed by the AMAZING @jimramones and belong to Spunkee Monkee. Please only use these graphics when referencing OFFICIAL Spunkee Monkee business! 😊
Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am amazed that that picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're a really great artist!
Is that Super Saiyan Goku on the right hand side of the picture?? It looks like you could also be an artist if you wanted when you grow up! hehehehe Maybe you could even be an artist on youtube! and show everyone how you make those drawings :)
Sounds like your dad is teaching you how to be patient! What a great lesson :) Patience is a really hard thing to learn - but when we finally learn it, it's so worthwhile.
I think I've made a lot more mistakes in life when I rushed without being patient. hehehe I hope you learn it early and listen to your dad! :)
Great job today! another 100 point day!!! woo hoooo
So now you have
Daily points: 830
Alpha total: 980
Awesome job Monkee!!!!