Weekly positive challenge/affirmation

in #spreadlove6 years ago

We worked so hard for so long on the daily holistic health challenges. I invite you to go back and rework those as you see fit;) I figured we could switch it up a bit and just try to do something positive once weekly. If these things resonate with you, feel free to incorporate them into your daily practices/routines along with past challenges;) This week I challenge you to give three different people compliments... Just a little something to make someone's day brighter. Give a shout out to a local business on their Facebook page for good service you received perhaps. Maybe let someone know when they give a little extra. Let others know you see them. In the grand scheme of things, people do not necessarily need to be validated to carry on so I don't promote personally expecting others to do the same for you. We all know having expectations of others can lead to disappointment. However we do live in an emotionally charged society and many feel that they need reassurances. Even though I do feel this way of thinking can lead to self destructive belief systems, I also feel that if someone deserves a compliment there's no reason you shouldn't speak up and give them one. Why not be that person that makes their efforts a little sweeter by taking notice?
After all, we have no idea what others have been through, what traumas may have helped create their defense or coping mechanisms, or what circumstances they may currently be dealing with...but one thing is certain, being nice never hurt anyone! 😘 So let someone know when you see their efforts. One compliment may set off a chain reaction. Whatever mood they may have had prior to it may subside and instead of yelling at the next person they come in contact with out of frustration they may smile and remain calm. What do you have to lose? Namaste, Amy💖