Abord Allcomers Football Competition Sunday Match Analysis
Another four teams joined Abord allcomers football competition which their names are:
Overcomers fc
Akalako Worrior
Ibukun Oluwa fc
A Square fc
Here is the analysis of the matches played on Sunday 13th/Oct/2019 at Unity High School Ipetumodu Ile-Ife Osun State Nigeria.
First match Crescent fc 0 vs Odeomu United 1, the match was though, it would have ended in draw, but penalty was given to Odeomu United at 86minutes which is played by Adesina Qawiy.
Second match wasn't played Overcomer fc vs A Square fc, but Overcomer fc didn't show up for the match which make it end with walkover and this gives A Square fc advantage of 3goals and 3points.