Some things that must be considered in managing a local soccer competition.

in #sportstalk6 years ago

The inter-village soccer tournament will run smoothly and be successful if it is handled and coordinated well, of course it needs to be organized by the committee. It starts with a meeting to determine the composition of the committee.
After the tournament committee is formed, the next work plan and estimated cost is needed, in this case the Equipment Section and Funding Section must compactly formulate the best. What is needed and how the fund needs to be carefully discussed.

Managing a Tarkam (Inter-Kampung) competition will surely make us afraid in thinking how much loss we will get and how to find funds to carry out and prize money for the winner of the Tournament.
Tarkam which is often identified with riots in the middle of the competition because the players and sporters who do not accept defeat and the referee's decision is judged to be biased so that their Club loses, this becomes a threat in holding a tournament which can lead to brawls and clashes between villages or villages that can disturbing the security of the area and potentially resulting in fatalities and material.

In terms of security, the committee made regulations during the technical meeting, where the technical meeting explained about sanctions for players and clubs who made trouble and noise which could cause mass attributes. for players who provoke a fight will be sanctioned in the form of a blacklist for not being able to enter the tournament anywhere for more than a year, as well as the club. The distance between the audience and the sidelines is only 1 1/2 meters and the audience can be in order from the beginning of the match until the end of the match, even though the decision of the referee is considered detrimental and is getting a provocation from the players.

So and thank you, hopefully useful