theLEAGUEFEED: Cornbowl--Bar League and Tournament game! (review and takeaways)

in #sports7 years ago

theLEAGUEFEED intro picture.jpg CORNBOWL! Cost Effective-Low Maintenance--Addictive

Ready for something new at your next backyard outing or tailgate?

Bars and Leagues--Looking for a way to engage and grow your customer base?

Here's a review on a brand new game which could become one of the hottest Social Sports activities out there!

I was scrolling through my Facebook feed this morning and ran across a video for a unique blend of cornhole and bowling...
Here's the Cornbowl video which hooked me!

This isn't an affiliate link. It takes you directly to the Cornbowl site...

In fact, I have no ties with this company at the time of writing this post. That's my disclaimer, 'K?
(I will let them know that I did a review and posted a link to their video in my article)

As you can see, this game is pretty simple to set up, and plays somewhat like bowling without the thumb hole. It's not physically demanding and is self-contained with all of the equipment stored inside the playing board itself.

Great Points

  • The game overall is such a neat concept (why didn't I think of that?)
  • Well made and sturdy. The wraps and painted finishes are pretty cool without going overboard
  • Self-contained is really self contained. The pins are strapped in, bags are strapped in, scoreboard nestles into back...
  • The Magnets! This is the Coup de Grace of the whole game. Setting up the pins is a chore in all games which require it. This takes the biggest pain in the ass and turns it into a quick and easy procedure. Kudos!

A couple of things I would have like to have seen and hope are considered in future models:

  • A retractable measuring string for distance nested into the front for easy measurement (maybe the 2.0 model?)... I've been seeing this a lot more in DIY cornhole boards, and it is a low cost, simple and fantastic add-on.
  • Love the wipe board, now if it were classed up a little more by combining it with a fold out stand and drink holders instead of leaning it on a chair.
  • An option for 4 sets of different weighted bags with the 'weights' stitched onto each bag similar to using different weighted bowling balls .This really ties in with the bowling theme and could be offered as a cool add-on which players would eat up.
  • This one is really subjective, but the price point is a little high ($200+) for one board. Possible to sell a second board and pins option without the additional wipe board and bags for another $100. I get that these are handmade and well done, but we all know that every DIY'er out there is looking at this if it catches on and saying 'I can do that for a lot less' and posting it on pinterest. That aside, you're also going to run into the chain store temptation for a similar, cheaper version from China. It's going to happen, and undoubtedly someone has already sketched a knock off and sent it off for pricing.

So here's a suggestion for you, Game Innovation LLC: An official league and tournament version (OLTV) marketed to businesses involved in leagues. Exclusive version only offered to businesses and which is sold in minimum order quantities. Sturdier, for the rigors of daily and weekly use. Bar-centric, with add-ons specific to this crowd. Customizable logos at a specific order quantity... A fold out back and side 'catch' for indoors. Make it a tri-fold about two foot high which doubles as an overpack storage and carrying case with the option to logo the league on it... Replacement pins and parts...Separate webpage accessible only through registration process (email capture) on your current order page. You get the picture...

Looking at this from an Social Sports entrepreneur's viewpoint:

  • As a current or future League Organizer-- This can be played indoors or out. No rain delays and the space it takes up is only temporary. This is cleaned up in a minute or two.
  • Safe, Easy to Learn and Play. Social-- The pins aren't 'flying' very far, the bags are soft and light. Safety factor is pretty good. Easy is also good and invites new players in and keeps 'em tossing. I would suggest to throw toward a wall as the backstop for now. As with both the games this hybrid was born from, meeting and socializing factors are pretty high.
  • New and Different, but the Same-- Great grabber for players or patrons, because it's familiar, yet fresh!
  • Equipment Longevity-- With a few adjustments, the initial equipment investment should last a couple of seasons...

All and all, I was digging this game and I think if you enjoy backyard games, you will to! Here's the Manufacturers website if you care to learn more!


A growing resource with articles (original and resteemed) about the adult social sports league community (podcast in the works)

If learning to play these sports, from how to find a league to sign up with, through all stages of learning the game you choose interests you, along with setting up and running leagues, well give me a follow.
If you are posting anything along these lines, leave me know. If it's quality I would love to resteem!
Building Stronger Leagues is name of the game....
and don't forget to Feed the Leagues!


Cool post. Cool game :D I just may have to include this in an upcoming weekend. Gave ya a follow. Also, licensing this idea seems like a good route. They are at the moment too backed up for more sales. I hope they can produce quickly.

Thank you sir! I hope they work through the initial wave of ordering and keep the quality of the product intact. Thanks for the kind words.