U.S. Vice President Pence Leaves Game After NFL Anthem Kneeling

in #sports7 years ago (edited)

Borrowing the image above from Foxnews, once must ask themselves, "What's more appropriate when the USA National Anthem is being played; kneeling for some protest or placing your hand on your heart?"

Last week Shannon Sharp called the American flag just a piece of cloth. He was upset that the Green Bay Packers did not kneel and was even more offended when the fans chanted USA! USA! USA!. 

The Dallas Cowboys, (my avatar) decided to kneel together and then stand for the anthem hoping they could make both groups happy. 

I have the right to type my opinions here, folks can burn the USA flag, can kneel to the flag, can place their hand over their heart because of the flag, but this freedom is the result of the 1st ammendment. What officially goes with that ammendment are the remaining Bill of Rights. Those rights did not come into being without a price. How many young people lost their lives to allow the Bill of Rights and Constitution to come into existance. 

I just visited the Applefest on October 7 in Jerseyville, IL. at the Cheney Mansion. The owners were wealthy and white. Yea we have to mention race because all this kneeling is about the history of slavery. This wealthy white family didn't agree with slavery and were doing what they could to help free the slaves. Research the Chaney Mansion in Jerseyville, IL if you want to know more.

Otterville, IL has one stop sign. But, they have the first integrated school in the USA. It's amazing how little recognization this school receives. Research the story of The Hamilton Primary School at 107 East Main Street. You will read a story of a slave that chose to be buried next to his owner. He (the slave) would come against the kneelers today. I wish I could find enough people to help restore this historical place. 

I'm very proud of our Vice President that he left the game to show the leadership's disregard for the ultitmate disrepect to the National Anthem, the American Flag, and to all the men and women who have lost their lives that gives me and others the right to state our opinions in this manner. I will leave you with words that are not my own:

Take  a little trip to Valley Forge in January. If you don't know where that  is, just Google it from the sidelines. Hold a  musket ball in your fingers and imagine it piercing your flesh and  breaking a bone or two. There won't be a doctor or trainer to assist you  until after the battle, so just wait your turn.

Take your cleats and socks off to get a real experience.  Then take a knee. 

Then,  take one at the beach in Normandy where man after American man stormed  the beach, even as the one in front of him was  shot to pieces...the very sea stained with American blood. The only  blockers most had were the dead bodies in front of them, riddled with  bullets from enemy fire.  

Take  a knee in the sweat soaked jungles of Vietnam. from Khe San to  Saigon... Anywhere will do. REAL Americans died in all  those jungles. There was no playbook that told them what was next, but  they knew what flag they represented. When they came home, they were  protested as well..and spit on for reasons only cowards know.  

Take another knee in the blood drenched sands of Fallujah in 110 degree heat.. Wear your Kevlar helmet and battle dress...  Your number won't be printed on it unless your number is up!

You'll need to stay hydrated but there won't be anyone to squirt Gatorade into your mouth. You're on your own. 

There's a lot of places to take a knee. Real Americans have given their lives all over the world.

When  you use the banner under which they fought as a source for your  displeasure, you dishonor the memories of those who  bled for the very freedoms you have. That's what the red stripes mean.  It represents the blood of those who spilled a sea of it defending your  liberty.

While  you're on your knee, pray for those that came before you, not on a  manicured lawn striped and printed with numbers to announce every inch  of ground taken...but on nameless hills and bloodied  beaches and sweltering forests and bitter cold mountains...every inch  marked by an American life lost serving that flag you protest. 

No  cheerleaders, no announcers, no coaches, no fans...just American men  and women...delivering the real fight against those who chose to harm  us...blazing a path so you would have the right to "take  a knee." 

You haven't an inkling what it took to get you where you are; but your "protest" is duly noted.  
Not only is it disgraceful to a nation of real heroes, it serves the purpose of pointing to your ingratitude for those  who chose to defend you under that banner that will still wave long after your jersey is issued to another...