Partner Workouts - Bodyweight Training 068

in #sports7 years ago

Having a partner workout is guaranteed to start your week strong! I am so grateful to have a spouse that is also focused on regular exercise and healthy eating. Everytime we workout together, whether we are doing the same workout or just doing our own thing in the gym together, the motivation levels for both of us goes to 100%


Today we ended up both doing the same workout together, Chest and Triceps.. Here's what we did

Bodyweight Dips - I used bands for assistance
TRX Skull Crushers
Triceps Push up
Push up Knee Touches
6 Sets - Max reps for each of the above exercises

We are all privileged to have a free lifetime gym membership through bodyweight exercises. These exercises can be done anywhere and with diligent practice can be mastered!
Thank you for joining me on my Calisthenics Journey, I hope you feel inspired to appreciate the potential of your own body.