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RE: Steemit Scramble: PGA Tour – Dell Technologies Championship, Preview and Contest

in #sports8 years ago

pocketsend:1000@ats-david, special delivery!


Successful Send of 1000
Sending Account: captainobviou3
Receiving Account: ats-david
New sending account balance: 997900
New receiving account balance: 1000999
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 1c239de3d06034fb3ff11ac01485d0c5bc806db8
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

Thanks! Now I just need to figure out how these will make me richer!

I know right! We were like "Free! I want some!" then we all looked at each other like "now how do I make money off of this..." LOL

Your picture thumbnail is wicked. It's hilarious lol I love it

why thank you my fellow Tin knocker.

Nice!!! You're the first Tin Basher I've seen on here haha. Come play my Golf Contest before 7am EST tomorrow morning.

Successful Send of 1000
Sending Account: captainobviou3
Receiving Account: ats-david
New sending account balance: 997900
New receiving account balance: 1000999
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 1c239de3d06034fb3ff11ac01485d0c5bc806db8
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

Whats really going on around here?

Sorry for the comment. I was testing the POCKET confirmer and a wrong setting was making send confirmation.

Successful Send of 1000
Sending Account: captainobviou3
Receiving Account: ats-david
New sending account balance: 997900
New receiving account balance: 1000999
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 1c239de3d06034fb3ff11ac01485d0c5bc806db8
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.