in #sport8 years ago (edited)



Usain Bolt, born on August 21, 1986 in the parish of Trelawny, is a Jamaican athlete, specializing in sprint events.

He had won eight gold medals in Olympic Games and he is the most titled athlete in the history of the world championships with eleven victories.

This is just a brief presentation about the legend Usain Bolt ! And if I have to describe him in one word, I would say : He is a legend, considering all the successful things that he had achieved in his life.




Unfortunately for all his fans, he retired after finishing 3rd at the London championships.

He ran on Saturday, the last 100m individual of his career surpassed by two Americans Christian Coleman and Justin Gatlin !

Even though he didn't win the first place, yet, he deserved the acclamation and applause of the London public and the respect of the winner Gatlin who bows before the legend Bolt. Indeed, Usain Bolt won a Bronze medal. yet, he remains a legend and model to everyone in sport field and many of us learned from him how to persevere in all what we do in order to achieve our goals no matter what.

His career is the best example for all of us, so we should be proud that we have Usain Bolt as our model, since he realized many things, whether it is about sport or life lessons, he gave it all what he has to be the best and he was successful at it.

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okay I will update it now ! Thanks for the remark !

Absolute legend! He will go down as the best ever and will be hard for someone to try and take that title away from him.

Absolutely! It is very hard for anyone to achieve what this legend has been achieving during all these years. Yet, it is a sort of motivation to have such a legend as a model and to follow his steps in sport life !

Usain Bolt was and still is a legend !

Yep, I agree on that !