Panini FIFA WC stickers and album versions for ESPANA 82, MEXICO 86 and ITALIA 90 - football
Panini FIFA World Cup Espana 82, Mexico 86 and Italia 90 sticker albums

Time is coming for football funs from all around the world to enjoy in watching the best players from all around the globe. I will be at home in front of my TV and watch as much matches as I can. During the years I was collecting Panini and non Panini FIFA WC albums from Panini FIFA WC in Munchen 74 to FIFA WC 2014 in Brasil. At last this year football team of my country will also be a part of WC competition, so football stickers fun will be hiperactive, and I will try to collect FIFA WC Album 2018 too...
In this post I will present album variants for FIFA WC Espana 82, FIFA WC Mexico 86 and FIFA WC Italia 90:Panini FIFA WC Espana 82 album versions:
Panini FIFA WC Mexico 86 album versions:

Panini FIFA WC Italia 90 album versions:
I will go on with next post about Panini and non Panini FIFA WC football albums...
Good choice