Goodbye,Old Money, Hello, New Money. #LFC

in #sport8 years ago

It’s Premier League time, 11th August, for those of you who follow English Football (Soccer…).
The transfer window doesn’t close until 31st August.

Although there is still more time to do business, as a life-long Liverpool FC supporter, I can’t help feeling that we’re in for, well, more of the same. The lack of motivation in certain positions, and lack of experience in others, and most alarmingly, no long-term core players… How do we achieve stability? Where are the players and managers who have any idea of what it was like to win, well, anything…?
I’m not expecting days of old to return, to a time when we dominated English football. A lot has happened, both in the game, and outside, that make it impossible to replicate. Money and club loyalty have swapped places in their importance.
Players, managers and club owners used to follow an ethos, and each club had their own. Now the general ethos is “Money Talks”.

I’m not sure which is worse, the constant change in players? Or the constant change in managers? Or is it the changes ownership?

I know some of you will say that ”it is what it is” and that level of stability and continuity is restricted to the lower leagues, and that maybe I should switch my allegiance, but it doesn’t change the fact that I miss the old game, the old rivalry, the days when a player would rarely be seen in a different coloured jersey, let alone that of the traditional opposition.

I’m sure some of you feel similar about your teams, and I know this sentiment is not limited to football, and I know nothing can change.

Yup, this is me, fully paid up...

So, as LFC go in celebrating 125 of a very colourful history, I feel that we are also saying goodbye to heritage and tradition….and an official Hello to entrepreneurs and acquisitions…


Thanks for the memories...


Good to see your putting your money where you mouth is , tickets are ridiculously expensive but I love going to see my club (who shall remain nameless for now) support win or lose

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