Will we ever stop comparing NBA players from different epochs?
I am really tired of non stop ongoing comparisons between LeBron James and Michael Jordan. Yea, I know that media needs that but it is really pointless.
First of all, for me Michael Jordan is THE GOAT( Greatest Of All Time). I am born in 70s and I grew up watching NBA from 80s until today. For me, numbers that MJ has are important but not crucial. Bill Russell has more NBA titles than Jordan but that doesn't mean that Russell is GOAT.
MJ is GOAT for me, because of the influence that he had on the game. NBA was not same before and after MJ. He was probably most popular athlete on the world and even now there is not anyone who likes basketball that doesn't know about MJ. Many people start playing basketball because of MJ. Even LeBron has number 23 on his jersey because of him.
Numbers are also there, he holds many records and data that he has never lost finals is one of most important for me. I can't say that I am objective about MJ and you will probably hear the same from all people borned in 60s,70s and early 80s.
People born earlier will not agree with that for sure. For them, GOAT is probably Wilt Chamberlain, Bill Russell, Larry Bird or Magic Johnson... Every epoch has its own icons.
Maybe we are right but maybe we are wrong and we should keep our feelings for ourselves. I say this because many people trash talking about LeBron because they are afraid that MJ or some other their favorite player would lose the tron of THE GOAT.
This is very stupid. LeBron is incredible player and he is one of the GOAT. We should respect that and enjoy watching his game. He is 33 years old and he will not play many more years on this incredible level. I am sure that he will break all records but we should know that he start playing in NBA when he was 18 years old so he had more games then other players.
There is news that he will leave Cleveland. If that happens, I hope he will choose new team wisely and that he will win many more NBA titles because he deserves that.

But you forgot 2020s :-)
😀 😀 😀
Micheal Jordan and Lebron James are two different players from two different eras, and i don't see why both players should be compared with each other. They are both different in their style of play and achievement. Micheal Jordan is a legend in basketball.
Basketball isn't as big of a thing here in Germany, so what you describe here goes largely unnoticed by me.
What I can say though is that this isn't exclusive to Basketball. Taking Martial Arts as an example, you will never stop seeing and hearing comparisons to a certain Bruce Lee in some way, shape or form. I am sure that similar things hold true for other sports as well.
Hell, not even sports, let's go even one step further and take the arts into account.
Heath Ledger played an amazing joker and died. Now everyone who plays the Joker after him is being compared to him. Just as every other Batman actor is being compared to Keaton or Bale in some way or form.
I never thought much of it, but now I really notice how much of a thing that is. I am not yet sure if it annoys me.
Comparisons are normal and they will always be here, point is that we should have respect even if participants are not our favorites :-)
I even take it one step further and say that we shouldn't let past favorites get in the way of making new ones.
Well said :-)
agree with you,Michael Jordan is best one.
I know little or nothing about basketball but if you ask me who is the GOAT in the spot I will choose MJ.
Enough of the why are we doing this talk or the classic “can we just enjoy the ride and stop comparing them until after” jibber jabber. No we can’t and is it really that bothersome to you that we are doing the comparisons?
Say you can’t bear these talks any longer and that you are canceling your cable (or what have you) subscriptions or even better you are through with sports talk radio and truly believe that free radio music will become consistently good like it once was. Was it really worth it? If you’re truly a fan of Lebron’s greatness and want to phrase the mushy “enjoy the ride” line over and over then wouldn’t this be the ultimate accomplishment for Lebron at the age of 33? The man is being compared to Michael Jordan for crying out loud. When Jordan was 33 he only had half his titles at the time. So no more of this let’s just “enjoy the ride” stuff and “enjoy the talks” because it’s an accomplishment for these talks to be, for lack of a better word, talked.
Talking is nice but trash talking isn't. There is almost no objective comparisons at all...
Honestly, you share these thoughts with us, I have never thought about it, but it is true, the time and the great personalities!
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