Nectar Queen 🐝💦 New flying tank for Splinterlands
Hi there!

New earth reward card, it's the classical card useful in some specific situations, but not usable in the most, simply because better cards exists.
All recently released card follow this philosophy and I like this.. because it makes the game more various and, in the end, funnier.
Card analysis

High mana flying tank, than Retaliate + Poison. Nice melee attack, average speed, high health.
The weak point: 9 mana cost.

For abilities and stats it remembers Serpent of Flame, but face the difference: 9 vs 6 mana cost😯 NO WAY!
So yes, as a general purpose card the queen is not so good, but let's see in wich matches and rule sets it became a STRONG and useful card!
Card usage
Ok, this is obvious, Nectar queen should be played in earthquake rule set.

Moreover the power of this card is that she is particularly strong against other tank normally played in earthquake ruleset, for example:

Ok, too much school this week, let's fight!
The Match ⚔️🛡️
I have't played many earthquake battles today so I have not a perfect battle to share.. but I have one where my queen played well and.. let's find out ;)
Dragons out: very good news! Let's give a try to my lv8 queen. This the lineups:
Weird tacting by my bot-opponent. I suppose he manged to weaken me with a first front lineup, than attacking me with a second flying lineup. Probably this is a successful tactic in earthquake against not-flying lineups: prevent flying being killed, then act on what remains after several earthquake rounds.
The battle is not so fun, I smashed him. NO WAY
My queen gave the coup de grace to LA:
But then got killed by the opposite queen:
No problem, the Vulture rapidly avenged her. and WIN! 🏆
Hope to level up my Nectar queen to lv 10 soon because it is a really nice card!
Thanks for reading, cheers!
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Nice post and nice animations
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 12/16 - need recharge?)