Splinterlands Move - STEEM blockchain BEFORE/AFTERsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #splinterlands5 years ago

Dear blockchain friends and Splinterlands fans,

With Spliterlands move to HIVE I was interested to see the immediate impact it had on the activities on the STEEM blockchain. I had no real idea of how big drop it would be, but I was impressed to see that the activities are down over 50%.

Please see the simple graph below. Each dot represents all operations per hour. I guess it goes without saying that Splinterlands move occurred around the time of that huge drop in the chart.

STEEM operations per hour, before/after Splinterlands move to HIVE

I put together a simple python script to check the number of operations on the STEEM blockchain, before and after Splinterlands move to HIVE. The data is between May 29 06:00 and June 2 20:00, UTC time.
I'm using Beem to interact with the blockchain and matplotlib to render the graph.

Find below a copy of the script:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from datetime import datetime
from beem import Steem
from beem.blockchain import Blockchain
from beem.instance import set_shared_steem_instance

steem = Steem(['https://api.steemit.com'])
chain = Blockchain()

def lineplot(x_data, y_data):
    plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
    ax = plt.axes()
    plt.plot(x_data, y_data, 'r-s', color = 'darkblue', linewidth=3, markersize=12, markeredgecolor='red')
    ax.set_title("Operations per Hour")
    ax.set_ylabel("Nr of Ops")

x_hour = []
y_ops = []
current_block = 43777926
hour_tag = "0"
ops_count = 0
for ops in chain.stream(start=current_block):
    if hour_tag == "0":
        hour_tag = "{}-{}".format(ops['timestamp'].day, ops['timestamp'].hour)
    if "{}-{}".format(ops['timestamp'].day, ops['timestamp'].hour) == hour_tag:
        ops_count += 1
        ops_count = 1
        hour_tag = "{}-{}".format(ops['timestamp'].day, ops['timestamp'].hour)

lineplot(x_hour, y_ops)

Thanks for reading!
I wish you all a lovely day/evening/night!


Just a question to another topic: Can it be that dustsweeper doesn't work ?
I listen from him and sent some SBD but get no reply as it should be.
Also I saw that his voting-power is by 100% - so it seems that he even don't vote.

Hi! Yes, looks like something went wrong with the confirmation transfer. But everything was properly added to your balance. See the screenshot below from the Discord server.

I did a transfer test now and it worked, so not sure what went wrong. In general, there are many things going wrong with the steem blockchain, but technical and management related. Just look at this post you replied to, it vanished!?!?! I can only assume it was censored.

Dusty is trying to vote but there are not enough dust votes, so Dusty often hits 100%.

I don't see a future for STEEM so I will most likely initiate a transfer of everything to HIVE. I would also recommend you do the same, if you are serious to get your blog growing, you would receive much better success over at HIVE.

Take care!

Screenshot 2020-06-06 at 11.56.18.png

Really curious that the post disappeared.

But I found him at:


Hm - about voting - If he cannot found enough dust maybe increase the percentage by voting ?

I was also looking a little bit at hive, but I think in the moment you cannot use dustsweeper their isn't it ?

OK but is it really good to have traffic ?
I mean traffic alone should be not the aim in my opinion.