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RE: Serpent of Eld Evades the Attacks

in #splinterlands5 years ago

I very much tend towards the Chain Golem. He's such a beast!

Bortus IS a ninja turtle. But 'lowercase 'n' and 't' cause of those other similarly shaped amphibious creatures by the same name. 😎 I mean, no he's of the Tortesian people... nothing to see here...

This is the second battle I've seen where the Eld stands its ground (and even beats) the Goblin Mech. And Eld was level 2 and the Mech a 5! (same stats in the other battle too...)
For a while, the Gobin Mech was just a go-to, but I bet soonly we'll be favoriting other tanks like the Serpent of Eld. 😉