Why Should I Believe the Bible?

in #spirituality6 years ago


Some people live only in the material world they can see and touch. Some admit to an awareness of ‘something more.’ Then you have many who have searched for the truth of ‘What’s Out There’…searching for some meaning for life or to contact other intelligence, if it indeed exists. Finally, there are those who turn to any number of religions and belief systems to figure things out. Some even try Scripture. Who is on the right path? Well, try this on for size!
Why should anyone trust the Bible? Wasn’t it written by a bunch of long dead, ancient guys? What does that have to do with us now?
Everyone would admit that there is a need for a Supreme Court of Appeals in order to stop anarchy. If there is a God – a God who created everything that exists – then He would not want His creation to descend into anarchy, would He? If He cares at all about the creation He made, then why would He leave us without a way to know Him, a way to understand and communicate with Him? The God we can know just by observing His amazing, vast and orderly creation is obviously not a God of anarchy, but order. It is not a stretch to assume He would provide some way for us to communicate with Him.
“The Bible makes high claims to Divine inspiration, inerrancy and authority; and if it is true that the Sovereign God of the universe has condescended to reveal Himself supernaturally in His Book, even as He has revealed Himself naturally in the material universe, then man – even in a world ruined by sin – has a firm foundation in which to build for time and eternity.” – David Otis Fuller, Which Bible?
That the Sovereign God of creation has done this in the Holy Scriptures is acknowledged by many, including the Bible itself. It also claims to be ALIVE! Yes, it’s a living thing which even a brief acquaintance will show you, without a doubt.
So we have the firm foundation we need to understand the Spirit side of life. Hang on! It’s an exciting ride!


You didn't answer the question. Here is a website that does:



“Never make up your mind about any significant matter without first considering the evidence.”

These are the words of Simon Greenleaf, the famous Harvard Law Professor considered by many to be the foremost legal expert on evidence the world has known. Applying the principles contained in his 3 volume discourse A Treatise on the Law of Evidence, Dr. Greenleaf came to the conclusion that there is more historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ than for just about any other event in history, and that any unbiased jury in the world would reach the same conclusion based on the unswerving evidence (also see his essay, Testimony of the Evangelists).

In the following pages I hope you will sincerely apply Dr. Greenleaf’s basic principle of first reviewing the evidence, then deciding on their merits.

I was laying a simple foundation for the reliability of the Bible in total. Of course the validity of our faith in scripture depends upon the validity of the Resurrection of Jesus. Back in the 80's I read Professor Josh McDowell's wonderful book, The Ressurrection Factor. He mentions Simon Greenleaf among many scholars, lawyers, professors and government leaders that have all used their knowledge and critical thinking to work out whether the evidence would stand or fall for the Resurrection of Jesus. This is found in Chapter 2. These outstanding leaders in their fields agree on the conclusion you mention above. I recommend McDowell's book to skeptics as well as any Christian wishing to shore up their faith. I challenge anyone to read this book and come away doubting. We are in agreement, Brother!
Another point I'd like to make is, that I don't want to get too academic for my readers. But I would recommend anyone who's interested, please check out barncat's links. I enjoyed the site and will definitely return for more! Thank you!

Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth (BIBLE).

That's right! Love that. You made me smile!