Episode 20 Podcast New Believers! Get Seriously Ready for the Powers of Darkness Click to Listen

in #spirituality6 years ago


If you have just accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior from sin, you just joined a powerful worldwide army, the army of the Lord. You joined up during a particularly heavy time of battle. In fact we believe that it will get worse before it gets better. We are in the end of times. The signs our Lord Jesus told us to look for are all around us today. Our orders are clear. We are to go out and labor to bring in the precious fruit of the earth, men's souls. God is delaying the time so that more can be saved and brought into the Kingdom of Heaven. As a new believer and follower of Christ, you have a mission and a purpose. You are greatly needed in this army. There is so much to do. Let's get battle ready.

You will need:

  • Life, Health, Joy and Peace - the vibrant, spiritual kind
  • Strength - the Joy of the Lord is my Strength.
    How do you get it?
    Here's how:
    Obedience to everything you are learning in the Word of God.
    Personal holiness
    Joy from a super-close walk with Jesus, the Father and the
    Holy Spirit
  • The Word of God - Scripture, the Bible (as a new believer, I recommend you use a New King James study bible)
    - Immerse yourself in it. Start reading the Gospel of John, then the other three gospels of the New Testament.
    - Listen to the Word on an audio app. I recommend Tecarta Bible app. It's free! They have a great audio Bible.
    You can even choose from three different ones. I like the dramatic choice because the
    narrator/reader dramatizes everything and by doing so makes it really easy to understand! And it's more
    interesting to listen to.

Keep feeding on the teachings of Spirit filled obedient servants of God day and night. I have a growing list of mentors that I learn from. I highly recommend these "Generals" of God:

  • Derek Prince
  • Kenneth Hagin (senior)
  • Lester Summerall
  • David Wilkerson
  • Henry Gruver
  • Dr. Erica Shepherd
  • Carla Butaud
    These wonderful teachers can be found on YouTube. Set your playlist to play during the night or while you work during the day. Keep a journal and write down what the Holy Spirit highlights to your heart as you listen when possible. Also use your journal to document answers to prayer, things the Lord is impressing on your spirit, special scripture verses, teachings and quotes from the spiritual teachers you want to remember.

Dedicate the time for this. You will find this to be more precious than gold to you as the days grow darker. We are getting so close to the end of this age. But look up when you see these things: "Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near." Luke 21:28

I cover a lot more in the podcast than is possible to write here. I hope you will click the link above the microphone and listen. My heart yearns for new believers to be ready as the battle against the enemy grows in every area of life in our world today. Let's get ready, put on the whole armor of God and having done all...let's STAND! Ephesians 6