Gurugita 028: All forms seen in universe are manifestations of Guru’s form

in #spirituality7 years ago

Gurugita 028: All forms seen in universe are manifestations of Guru’s form

The word ‘Guru’ is a divine mantra composed of two syllables ‘Gu’ and ‘Ru’. These seed-syllables are the direct form of the ‘Guru’. These two syllables should be combined with the two hamsas- inhalation and exhalation. Trying to absorb these seed-syllables by merging them with the breath is known as ‘ajapa-japa’. To the one who religiously follows it, not only the physical heart but also the yogic heart located in the right side of the body gets purified.

The person who joins the Guru mantra with the breath and chants it endlessly, Guru will manifest.

In which form does the Guru manifest? Does He manifest in a physical form or divine form? Is it a form with beard or is it with a shaven head?

In this verse all the specialities of the Guru and of His Supreme Essence are detailed.

He manifests in the form of the Paramaguru. Universe is that which consists of name and form. Such Supreme Guru is the cause for this universe consisting of names and forms. In other words, this universe has its origin in Him. To put it differently, this entire universe is a manifestation of His form!

Ornaments such as bangles, chains, lockets are different forms created from the same gold element. Similarly, all forms seen in this world are varied forms of the same Guru. Some people keep a small idol and worship it as their Guru. This is incorrect (to limit). Learn to see Him in every form. Worship Him with this attitude. This does not however imply that you should declare these feelings openly to everyone you come across. It implies that such a thought should be imprinted deep in your mind while external life should go on as usual.

An important fact to be remembered here is that living entities do not enjoy absolute freedom. To be frank, we don’t enjoy freedom even in death. That is to say we lack control over our own Nature or in fact even over our mind. The mind often focuses on those topics that we feel are irrelevant and sinful. It remembers those topics we seek to forget. Even in our dreams it reflects them. In other words, even our mind enjoys no freedom.

On the contrary, a Self-realized Sadguru is totally independent. He has complete control over His mind. He can curb it or release it as per His wish. He can control himself totally or set himself free. Not just that. He can keep this entire world under His control. You may perhaps wonder who it could be possible? This is possible only because He is the cause behind this entire creation! He permeates each and every object in this universe.

It is up to us to practice seeing Him in every item. Do not limit Him to one photo/ idol/ object. See Him in every existence in the universe. See Him in every photo, in every idol and in every object. ‘My Guru pervades the universe. He is both manifest and unmanifest. It is He who manifests in the form of these objects’- this should be the line of thinking of a disciple.


JGD Appaji 🙏🏻

Om Sree Sadgurubhyom Namaha !!