Do you have the courage to be yourself or are you still fulfilling others' expectations?

in #spirituality8 years ago (edited)

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As I had outlined in my previous article, all the unresolved and suppressed emotions don't just disappear by themselves.

Suppressed fear, suppressed desire and other stuck emotions linger like a knot in our subtle body causing discomfort and dis-ease. Only if we manage to address them in the right way and come to terms with them a process of deep healing can truly begin.

Now, in order to arouse a stronger resolution and motivation to really start taking care of ourselves it might be helpful to reflect on the following questions:

Do I really want to spend my life serving others' expectations?

Am I willing to neglect and suppress myself in order to fit into "normality"?

Do I have the courage to communicate what I really feel?

My answer was:

For too long I've been trying to please others and catering to their expectations.
And the underlying reason for this was a deeper underlying current of fear and insecurity. I'm fed up with that!

From now onward I'll strive to deconstruct this self-imposed prison and be true to who I am and not grasping at who I'd like to be.

Whatever arises, I will no longer ignore or suppress it. Welcoming everything with a non-judgmental and open attitude is the only way to bring about natural peace and intuitive wisdom!


Be yourself and will be happy!

Thanks, agreed!