Divine Abundance Flow|DNA Light Body & Quantum Unified Field Alignment|Reconfigurations Begin

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)

🌎 Featuring ~ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼ Ancient Elder & Guardian of NEW Earth, Crystalline Grid Keeper, WayShower, Author, Transformational Speaker, Ascended Master.

🎨 Also Featuring Art by Daniel B. Holeman - http://www.awakenvisions.com

🎙️💓 This narration was produced independently and with love by Receiving Love - https://steemit.com/@receivinglove

💎 Article Excerpts:


"These Light Codes assist you with further maintaining your own Divine Abundance in fully aligned flow... as you Master your own Energy as full Consciousness/Quantum Consciousness here. ♥

Observe and Realize/SEE, that your Energy, Divinely Aligned is what CREATES all that you "physically" receive. Your own ability to maintain Divine Flow.... is relative to all.

Mastering your own Energy is a KEYCODE activator.

All is activated as you HOLD all as LOVE, as you EMBRACE YOUR OWN PURE SOURCE LIGHT and CHOOSE how you are going to utilize this. This is your Divine Masculine, through the Divine Feminine... the DIRECTOR of your precious energy and "how you use it", this determines all. ↓
As all realize that our fields, our energy, our Light is what holds all in place..... this is what births/creates, this is what calls all forth and dictates what all call "reality" here."

Source - https://www.awakeningtoremembering.com/daily-writings/dna-lightbody-and-quantum-unified-field-alignment-divine-abundance-flow


September Multi-Dimensional Energy Report/Overview: SYSTEMIC RECONFIGURATIONS Begin

"These new/next sets of Light Codes with this current Cosmic Re-Configurations Release that are about to increase/begin (they started yesterday), yet we've not started the "POWER" OF THE LIGHT BLASTING yet... thus far they are quiet, soft and working on a cellular level already, still preparing for the "massiveness" still to come forth...

These work through depth and overall.... to synchronize our Systems, the Systems, all Systems in all new ways. These work with WHOLE BODY SYSTEMS.... a huge restructuring process already underway.... ↓
Microcosm/Macrocosm... see every thing these work with, in every way that you can... in order to truly/fully understand. Expand your own perceptions, open your heart/higher mind consciousness to see .... all new ways... all new possibilities and all new "how" things come to be..... Look at EVERY THING that represents a "System" and you will see what all is "affected"/re-worked by all of these Cosmic Light Codes bellowing in/through constantly, as we continue to accelerate Planetary Evolution here.

The last two weeks have increased Cosmic Upgrades to our bodies, through our LightBodies and each "RECONFIGURATION BLAST" (upgrade), has worked with something different each time.

I've not yet shared all of this, because of the vastness of all. Since August, everything "delivered"/activated is like a 30-50 page writing, every couple of days to explain all on a multi-dimensional level, so again, I'll overview here, and expand upon throughout my continual teachings/sharings, and/or, when I'm able to write the detailed break-down through Light Encoded guidance/support for all....

Acceleration of COLLECTIVE MULTI-DIMENSIONAL BODY TEMPLATES & Harmonic Alignment Processes to re-align all with Gaia's "new" 12D Template in place:"

Source - https://www.awakeningtoremembering.com/daily-writings/september-multi-dimensional-energy-reportoverview-systemic-reconfigurations-begin

Audio is Copyright © Receiving Love

Author © : Author's copyright notice: Lisa Brown:
Please share to assist and awaken others too. All I ask is that you include my name or website for credit as the author of this content. NEW Earth is all about sharing. This assists us all. http://www.awakeningtoremembering.com

Intro Music is 'Crystal Caves in the Mountain'
*by TeknoAXE: Matthew Huffaker: CC by 4.0

🎆 Listen to the full version of this song here

Outro Music is 'The Bluest Star' by The 126ers: CC0

🌠 Listen to the full version of this song here