To Die before Death
It is in Dying that You are born into Eternal Life.
Dying to Everything that You are not,
to be Born in Everything that I AM.
Born in Eternal Life.
Born in Love
Die, Die, Die.
Die to Everything that You are not.
It takes many Deaths, before You are Born.
You must Survive Them all.
You have to Die before Death,
to get Free of the Cycle of Birth and Death.
To Die when Death comes is too late.
Only if You Die before Death, You can get Free of Death
and Live Forever.
You have to Die before Death comes for You
and Survive as Your Death Dies Forever.
You have to Die so Hard this Time,
that Death Dies Forever
and You are eternal Life
What Died is all that I AM not,
for I AM You.
You have to Die to Your Ego Mind,
to be Born as Love from the Heart.
To be Born as a Child that I AM.
Eternal Life.
It is in Dying that You are Born into Eternal Life.
Dying to Everything that You are not,
to be Born in Everything that I AM.
Eternal Life.
You are not the Death.
You are the Eternal Life that Lives Forever.
To Die to all Your Illusions
and be Born to the Truth that I AM.
To Die to all the Suffering and Pain
and be Born as Happiness and Joy that I AM.
To Die to Everything perrishable
and be born to Eternity.
You are not Death.
You are Eternal Life.
So Die to Live.
Die to Everything Temporary within You
as Your temporary Body Survives.Your Death
You are Born in Eternity
in this Human Body.
You turn Yourself to Gold.
Die to Your Mind and be Born as the Heart from the Heart.
To Die to Everything that I AM not in the Mind
and be Born to Everything that I AM in the Heart that I AM.
I AM You, I AM not Death.
Die to Illusion that You are not
and be Born to Love that I AM.
To Die in Time
is to be Born in Love Now.
To Die to Lies
is to be Born as the Truth.
To Die before Death
is to Live Forever.
To Die to Grownup and Old Human Illusions
and be Born as Eternal Child of Love that I AM.
To Die to all the Serrious Business
and be Born as Child that Plays from the Heart.
Heavenly Kingdom belongs to Children
that Died in their Grownup Bodies
so many Times that they Killed their Death,
Everything that they were not
and got Born again as Children of Love from the Heart
in their Mature Bodies.
God is Eternal Child of Love that I AM.
To Die to Everything that Separates You from the God that I AM
and be Born as Mighty God, Living Human Being.
To Die to Death
is to be Born to Eternal Life:
To Die to Lies
is to be Born in the Truth that I AM.
To Die before Death is the Goal of Life.
To Die at Death is too Late.
You have to Die before Death,
so Death Dies before it can Catch You.
To Die to all the Suffering and Pain
and be Born as Love in Love in all the Childlike Joy.
For it is in Dying that You are Born into Eternal Life.
In Dying to Everything that You are not,
You are Born in Everything that I AM.
In Dying before Death only Life Survives.
You are that Eternal Life that I AM.
What Died was only Death in Time.
You are Eternal Life in Love Now.
Heavenly Kingdom belongs to Children,
that Died before Death
and got Born as Children.
They never Died,
They Killed Death.
Eye Died so many Times this Life.
Death never Killed Me. Eye killed My Death.
I AM Born in Eternal Life that I AM.
Do not wait for Death.
Do not wait for Death to Kill You.
Die before Death and Kill Death,
so You can Live Forever.
Death could not Kill You,
so Now You are Eternal Life.
For it is in Dying that You are Born into Eternal Life.
In Dying before Death.
- Purna Ananda 1.06. 2019 ©
"Do not wait for Death.
Do not wait for Death to Kill You.
Die before Death and Kill Death,
so You can Live Forever"........yes indeed.
Very beautiful poem you have written. Are these words expression of your experience or knowledge?