It is Heavenly Consciousness of Angels on Earth, that Builds Heavenly Kingdom to Earth and all Things back to Love Now.

in #spirituality6 years ago

If all we actually want is Perfect Love Life and Heaven on Earth, do we have to care much about our Ascension, Enlightenment? Consciousness builds Reality? How can We have Heaven on Earth without Ascended Enlightened Unified Consciousness? How can We experience Perfect Loving Union with the One We Love in Harmony and only Happiness, Free of all the suffering we call Love in this World if we are not Love Ourselves. Everything is Reflection of our ConsciousnessKingdom of Love of God is Within You. The World as it is, Hell on Earth is just a Reflection of the Consciousness. This World and state the World is in is Reflection of Human Consciousness as Species in General. It is Consciousness of One Love and Unity, that Builds Heaven on Earth only and Lovers that are Perfect Love and Happiness Themselves, Free of suffering of this World, at least 5t Dimensional beings, that Build Heaven on Earth. Angels on Earth build Heaven on Earth. If we are not Happiness and Love ourselves how can we be Perfectly in Love and Happy in our Relationship. Our Lifes, our World is Reflection of our Consciousness. Consciousness is the Building Blocks of Reality. Matter does not create Consciousness, but Consciousness creates Heaven on Earth. Enlightened Ascended Consciousness. So how can we have Heaven on Earth and Perfect Heavenly Unions, how can we have Perfectly Happy World and Perfectly Happy Relationships without Perfect Heavenly Consciousness as a Species. We have to be Happiness ourselves, Love ourselves. It starts with us. Kingdom is within us. We are the First Ground stones of Heavenly Mansion on Earth, it is up to us, Beloved Angels. We started this Shit and according to our Consciousness is the Thanks we get. We have to End this Shi(f)t so we can start Building Heaven. We are the angels from heaven, We Mirror the Heavenly Consciousness and Love ut from our Heavenly Kingdom within and out of Being Perfect Love ourselves upon the others and in this Way Candles lid up other Candles and Fire of Love spreads around the World. Humanity discovered Fire again and Fire is Love. Love burns Heaven down to Earth out of Your kingdom within You. Vibration of Consciousness is Rising amongst Human Population as result of this Fire and as a Gradual End Result of just that Fire, this Earth is Changing into Heaven on Earth, exponentially as Consciousness of Humanity grows more Heavenly amongst the Masses. Truth is, that we just cannot have Heaven on Earth without being Ascended in Love Now and only Love Now in our Heart as much as Mind may think we can, Kingdom of Love of God, heavenly Kingdom is is within us and we cannot enjoy Perfect Love on any Level, Peace and neither Harmony, until we are not Love ourselves and there is Fear and Darkness within the Kingdom still as Mind rules all lost in thoughts. Consciousness of the heart brings Peace to the Mind and eventually Peace to this Earth. It starts with us, Beloved Angels.

Gandhi once attended World Peace Meeting. They were discussing about removing Nuclear Weapons from the Face of the Earth. They all agreed how just this would solve World Peace Issues and World would be at Peace finally. Gandhi listened to all the Politicians speaking. Then He just smiled and said;

„What is the use of getting rid of Nuclear Weapons? What would that actually solve on Earth? Nothing. Humanity would still be in very same State of Consciousness, that created the Nuclear Weapons on the first Place. They would create something else as destructive as Nuclear Weapons or even more. Humanity must Rise in Consciousness as Species to bring World Peace to the face of the World. There is no other Way!“

No one listened to Him. Like He was speaking to the Wall. Yet Angels on Earth, we should listen to this Words. How can we Create Heaven on Earth, or have perfect Relationships with everyone and Perfect Loving Union with the One we Love in Perfect Harmony and Peace, if 3rd Dimensional Hell of Attachments and all the Illusions of Darkness are still within our Kingdom and our Mind rules the Kingdom disconnected from the Heart? Well Answer is within You, don't ask Me, don't Answer to Me. Answer is within You. Eye give You My Word only.

  • Purna Ananda 6.06.2018 ©

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