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RE: A Paradox: Free Will? Surrender, First.

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)

My search within has revealed pretty much the same conclusion. We are free to struggle against the tide and then suffer and tire ourselves out. Or we are free to swim with the tide and get where we are going to be with ease. That said, I do not believe our fates are decided for us; cased closed, rather forces of have been set in motion and one cannot stand against them; one cannot change the past; she can however redirect in small ways, perhaps choose a better landing, so to speak. We do this by attending to our psyche/spirit, which then creates a clearer mind. Any free will realized comes from having a free and clear mind, one not caught up in resistance and judgement. Everything else is out of our conscious control and we are good to have faith that it is working as it should. Faith, not always religion, but faith, creates a clear mind:) This is the Tao. Beautiful and true by any name.

Another wonderful piece, Yahia:)


Thank you, for the echo, Pryde, I thought this would resonate with you, given your appreciation for the Tao. Yes, I also believe we can redirect in small ways by not standing in our way. There is a famous Christian prayer (by American theologian, Reinhold Niebuhr) that I grew up with, on a wooden plaque on in our family home, which clarifies this distinction for me:

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Thank you, for listening with an open heart, Pryde _/|\_