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RE: Start living as your SOUL!

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)

Nice write man!

The naming thing was funny to me, just the other day I was thinking I should make an avatar or something on steemit, something really cheesy to represent something like that. I came up with Lionheart lol :DD

Found the way you looked at the light that is us as total potential. To be any color in the spectrum. Can you describe how you see the world? I feel like the way I see it is constantly changing, perceptually.


I started to read the book on naming your Soul yesterday - basically glancing through the pages and reading the energy more than the words. It is written by a Native American woman and contains therefore many of their practices. Nothing fancy, but worthwhile to have a look at these views on embodying the soul.

How I see the world? Well, my world basically consists of potential and different timelines, existing in parallel dimensions. I don't let anything "out there" tell me where the world is at - it's all an inside job of frequency and holding energy. If I see old 3D/4D dualistic patterns it's clearing out of the collective field, but most of the time 5D unity consciousness and Love are my base from where I roll.
I don't function linearly though and linear processing of information is something that is really hard for me to do. In a way it's jumping timelines, through adjusting my frequency to my highest truth as a Soul.

Thank you for your question and the possibility to take this topic deeper! 🙏