Finding Your Soul World

in #spirituality6 years ago

This place where you are right now, God circled on a map for you. Wherever your eyes and arms and heart can move against the earth and the sky, the Beloved has bowed there- knowing you were coming.”- Hafiz

Do you feel a connection to the earth that you are standing on right now? Do you feel a strong soul connection to where you are in the world?

At different times in our lives, our soul may be called to a different spot on this earth. At the time of my spiritual awakening, I felt a calling to the city of Los Angeles.

I wasn’t really sure why or how, but I knew that I would end up there. Of course, 5 years later I did and this is where I reside today.

I am not sure if Los Angeles is where I will be forever, but for right now I am certain that it is my Soul Place.

A Soul Place is where your soul feels most at home. For me, my Soul Place was half way around the world, but for others their Soul Place can be in their own backyard.

When you find your Soul Place there is an instant feeling of belonging. An instant feeling of having a connection with the earth.

Many tribes from the Native Americans to the Australian Aboriginals, believe that we all have a place of power on this earth. A place of belonging that will help us to fulfil our destiny.

Our Soul Place is where we can do our greatest work and step into the fullness of who we truly are. Our Soul Place is also where we come to heal and release things from previous lifetimes and previous traumas.

Finding your Soul Place is a different journey for everyone. Usually when it is time for your soul to go to that place, you will feel the calling. You will feel the desire to move, travel or venture out to where you feel called.

Often our Soul Place is revealed to us in a dream or through our intuition first. However, some find their Soul Place by simply stumbling upon it.

When you find your Soul Place you may feel –

A strong connection, like you have been there before
Free to be who you are or more yourself
Things manifest or flow with a greater sense of grace and ease
Like you belong, or are “home”
A greater connection to the spirit world or your own spirituality
Directed and motivated in your life path or life purpose
In touch and connected with nature
Rooted and secure with where you are
There are no mistakes in this world, so chances are where you are standing now is your Soul Place. But, if you are feeling that where you currently stand is not a vibrational match, the best thing to do is travel.

You don’t have to travel far, but sometimes leaving and surrounding yourself in a new environment can help you to put things in perspective. Travelling somewhere out in nature is also a great way to reconnect with the earth of where you stand.

Many people also take pilgrimages or trips to sacred sites that are believed to hold a strong, spiritual significance.

These include Sedona, the Egyptian Pyramids, Uluru, Stonehenge and others. These places are believed to hold a strong energy or vibration, and can help reconnect people with their purpose and power.

These Soul Places are perhaps Universal Soul Places, and help to recharge all of those inhabiting this earth.

Some people may feel a need to live in these places, and others may simply just enjoy or feel recharged by a visit.

We are all on planet earth for a reason, and we all have land where we will feel most at home. This land may change at different points in our lives, but finding our Soul Place can help guide us to fulfilling our purpose.