Daily Quote Challenge @SteemitCentral - Day # 6/60

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)

"There is a power that dwells within... a presence that speaks with a silent voice... there is a power that dwells within... the center of you and the center of me..." --Karen L. Young


I was away working out of town and didn't have access to my computer... so, back home and back at it...

Today's quote is song lyric written by a dear friend, Karen L. Young... and i love it's message... and, i wrote a song based on this beautiful writing.

I recorded a demo of it and have posted it on my bandcamp page for you to have a listen.. . This is a live recording from a solo concert i performed in Kamloops, BC - with me singing and playing this collaboration on 12-string guitar...

There is a Power - by Karen L. Young + carol weaver >>

I hope you enjoy...
with brightest blessings, weaver x (((o)))

• Photograph + graphic design by weaver © 2017 ...
• To visit my holy doodle art blog please click here >>

@steemitcentral #scquotechallenge #quote #quotes #vibration #loa #love