Is the Law of Attraction "real"?

The Law of Attraction is a theory that continues to confuse and perplex our culture...

With the expansion of the internet, we are hearing more often this idea of a "spiritual awakening".

There's more talk about the Law of Attraction since "The Secret" made it into a pop culture topic of interest... We have seen an expansion of these ideas on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook groups that perpetuate these ideas into the collective consciousness.

But what's actually going on?

What is "manifestation" and did it really just begin with the movie "The Secret"?

Is this all a bunch of bullshit or is there some basis in science?

The Law of Attraction goes back to antiquity.

Have you studied the history of magic?

I'm not talking about the Harry Potter version but the actual esoteric art of magic practiced by the Egyptians and many other ancient cultures around the world.

Magic is effectively a targeted version of the Law of Attraction.

It's a way to mold your thoughts and intentions into a "spell" that pronounces how the world will now become once that intention has been set. Effectively, through the power of intention, the magician effects their world.

Although they'd probably never accept this, Christians and other religious truth-seekers are preaching a version of magic when they talk about prayer.

They are making requests of their divine creator with the anticipation that those requests will be granted.

When the request is made and accompanied with that expectation of it being completed, "magic" is effectively worked.

If the prayer is delivered, the devoted follower will thank their god and chalk it up to divine power (of which they are grateful to be the beneficiary).

However, according to these esoteric teachings on magic and the Law of Attraction, the devotee has manifested this thing into their world themselves... Following these teachings, it could be said that god created the means by which that delivery can happen but that god didn't receive the prayer, give it consideration, and then deliver... God is acting more as the observer of what we create for ourselves.

But is this "real"? Does this really exist outside the realm of anecdotal evidence, books, and YouTube documentaries?

The Law of Attraction makes more sense when we first understand the Law of Cause and Effect.

Cause and Effect is a hell of a lot easier to understand and accept: for every cause, there is also an effect.

Seems pretty obvious, right?

The LOA is more easily understood if you first understand the law of Cause and Effect.

Let's summarize how this works:

Every effect has a cause.

For example, in the case of trees being blown in the wind, the blowing trees is an effect of the wind which is causing this event to happen.

Again, seems obvious... However, here is what's a bit less obvious: YOU are either a cause or an effect in your own life.

You are either causing an impact on the world around you or that world is forcing you to react.

Through the power of your will, you can change the balance of the scales and begin to effect your world instead of living in a reactionary state, blown about like the trees in the forest... You can become the wind.

How? By taking action and making things happen in your life.

By impacting the world around you.

By doing things that further your goals and dreams.

When that happens, you effectively create new waves in your world. You start the butterfly effects that ripple out in countless directions.

How is this related to the Law of Attraction?

It would seem that as you go and make an impact on the world, reality conspires in your favor. You begin to attract more of what you're trying to achieve into your life. You manifest a world that supports whatever goals you're working to achieve simply by taking action and making those ripples in your reality.

But is it possible to PROVE that this is happening? Can we take this beyond just theory?

That is where my head is going these days... I feel like there has to be a way to prove what myself and many others have experienced in our lives: the world is a creation of ourselves. The world responds to our feelings and beliefs about it... Most strongly, it responds to our actions... It molds itself around the causes that we make in the universe much in the same way that a comet would impact the world if it struck.

We can prove and understand these concepts a bit more if we transcend our understanding of matter.

An atom is a composition of subatomic particles that seem to vibrate and produce forms of energy, correct?

I'm not an expert in chemistry (yet) and don't play one on the internet but this is a theory i'm developing:

Could the universe by alive?

Could every individualized atom be a form of life?

Is energy equitable to life? Could this be a form of consciousness we are still developing?

Again, if you dive into esoteric teachings, this is what is preached: that everything created is an expression of mind... It is all a living creation that is moldable around our wills.

By becoming a cause in that mind, we are using our willpower and force to create the world we want to inhabit. We design our own lives and watch as these ripple out into the universe... Into that collective mind... Into that living being that we call "reality".

So is this provable?

Can we submit this to science?

Can we put this model into something that can be validated with the scientific method?

Perhaps an entirely new system need be created?

I'm not sure, to be perfectly honest... This is a concept that is in the works.

More to follow...
-Excelsior 6.


Highly rEsteemed!

But - are atoms real? Still yet to be determined .. Good article!

Exactly! That's what makes this so complex... Einstein's E=M/C2 (or M = E/C2 depending on how you read the equation) gives us that energy is a prime element of mass... This can be extrapolated a bit to say that the world is energy... The world is perhaps able to be impacted by our own energy.

Nice one. I'm on the side of it's real.
Y' know... "We're all part of the 'One'", Alpha to Omega (The One).
Alpha gives you 'Free will' while the Omega part already knows what you'll end up doing. Both are part of every moment, seeing everything and allowing it all to happen.
Well that's how I 'feel' it works in a nut shell.

Thank you! And yes I'm with you on that... All of time is essentially happening at once. The progression of time is effectively us stepping into alternate versions of reality as we choose with our beliefs which version of reality to inhabit... Still a theory i'm very much working out :)

I don't know whether we're brothers or sisters 😅 but I just fell in love with you all over, again 🤓💜♠♾👏👏👏🏆