Heaven's Gate - An Original Poem of Spirituality - Enjoy with Troy!

Yet no one wants to die.
Attachment to this life we're livin'
With death we seem to cry.
For a moment do we live
Like vapor we are gone.
If we love this world too much
We'll miss the heaven's dawn.
This world's but an evening's stay
Upon our travels be.
May with prayer you find The Way
To heaven's gates to see.
Too often we get too attached to this world and forget about our real home. This old world is only a short stay. If we do not prepare ourselves for heaven, with a relationship with our creator, what makes you think we will enjoy it. Now is the time to grow in God.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2 NIV
Perfectly said my beautiful brother in Christ ❣️ I love ❤️ how you glorify God with the many gifts He has given you dear Troy. You are an elegant writer, and I know that the Holy Spirit is with you when you do good works for Him who created you!
How are you my friend, just stopping by to say howdy. I hope you are well, I think about you often. Rick and I are doing fantastic, God provides, and we see that everything works for the good. Hofer family is doing better, their smiling sometimes now. Still in mourning of course, but they can see the light of Jesus at the end of the tunnel. Bye for now.... love ya❣️
Good to see you around. I've missed seeing you and Rick. Tossing around possibly moving back to my hometown of Toledo Iowa. It's a hard decision as I've lived in the Quad Cities for 34 years. Take care and blessings