Releasing Resistance and Trusting yourself <3

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)

Lately, I’ve really been practicing on letting go of my resistance and putting myself in the state of allowing. Trust me when I say that this isn’t easy for me sometimes, and I do slip up occasionally. It is part of the human condition for people to naturally resist.
However, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Before I began to discuss about my experience with releasing. Allow me to introduce to you what the concept is.

You see, everything all around us is made up of energy. We are also energy. This is a fact. Science has proven that on a molecular level, everything is made up of atoms that vibrate at a certain speed and frequency, thus causing energy. We as humans are also made up of atoms allowing us to be energetic beings.
The type of energy we hold allows us to experience feelings and emotions. Feelings and emotions are a roadmap to help us recognize how much we are in alignment with our higher selves. For example, a rift in one’s energetic body can cause someone to feel frustrated and/or upset because their soul recognizes that it is out of alignment. Emotions are guideline and an amazing tool to help you discover whether or not you are in resonance with your higher self, or if you are in discord with it.

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How does this deal with releasing resistance? Humans are naturally empathetic beings and emotions play a huge part of our lives.

Let me explain to you my resistance that I was facing in life, and how it was affecting me emotionally and physically. I will also explain to you how I have been learning to embrace my feelings and allow myself to move forward.

Growing up, I struggled with many demons in my life. One of them being suppression. I believe suppression is one of the worst killers out there. It comes in many different forms like alcohol, excessive drinking, substance abuse, reckless sexual activity, etc. It all comes down to people running away from their problems instead of facing them head on and overcoming them.

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I was resistant to my own feelings. I was resistant to my depression. I was resistant to my anxiety. I validated that resistance by becoming addicted to prescription pills, popping them every single day like they were candy. I was allowing this behavior because I wasn’t able to accept myself for who I was. I was scared of who I was becoming. I was scared of myself and my self-destructive behaviors. Deep down I knew that if I kept this up, it was going to eventually kill me, but I didn’t care. All I wanted was to ignore how I was feeling, throw it away like it didn’t belong to me.

I didn’t take ownership of it and I wasn’t taking responsibility for my actions. I was aware of my behaviors and recklessness at a certain level, but I decided to keep it all repressed and let it build up like garbage in my subconscious. It was gross and horrendous what I was putting myself through. I regret so much not even being able to remember what I have done in the past two years. I have scars on my body with no recollection of how they got there, yet it is now a constant reminder of what I had done to myself in the past.

Thankfully, I had enough of that crap and decided to begin rebuilding my life. Now, whenever I do have negative feelings of nervousness, anxiety, or even depression. I ask myself, “Why?” “What is causing this?” “What is currently out of alignment?” “What actions can I take that are consistent with my well-being?” That is the question. I dig deep and try to discover the root cause of the problem. I take out a notebook and a pencil and begin to journal freely everything my conscious mind and my subconscious mind is trying to tell me. I allow myself to fully embrace the extent of my emotions and I sit with it. With doing these exercises, I was able to pinpoint what was causing these negative emotions and most of it came down to feeling disempowered. Realizing this, I was able to take control over my emotions, rather than have it take control over me. I was no longer disempowered.

At first, this was uncomfortable for me. Why the hell would I want to embrace all the feelings I originally ran away from? This is when I failed to realize that running away from my problems wasn’t going to solve anything to begin with because whatever I resist, persists.

Whatever you resist, persists.

Dig deep and really get to know yourself. Acknowledge your failures, your successes, and most importantly how you feel. Don’t run away from it, embrace it, then set it free.


Lots of Love,
