Should Christians Go Out of Their Way to Understand Other Cultures?

in #spirituality8 years ago

The short answer is not, but I will say that it is hard to really do in our day and age, with all of the multiculturalism forced down our throats.

I have no "phobias" when it comes to other cultures, but I do have issues with what some of them might practice.
The Secular media and other secular outlets will call those who are not willing to fit into their world view as phobic.

But why? The reason is because we are not going to follow the rest of the world into the pit of death when it comes to our souls.
Yes, this may sound harsh if you are a non-believer, but this is for believers to know and understand.

I do not see unbelievers as "less than" me. I do not see believers as "equal to" me. We all have unique talents and non-believers understand things sometimes better than believers do when it comes to the bible.

This is why I do not want to see the faithful ones get tangled up in worldly matters. There is nothing for them there. We have no reason sticking our noses into things that pertain to government, or other secular things.

Let them deal with their own issues, and we will deal with ours. If the gov. wants to stick their nose in our business, then let them. They do know that believers have no idea that they are sovereign, and use it against them.

The gov. is a sovereign entity. The church too is a sovereign entity. But when has the gov. ever respected another sovereign? I can give many examples where they did what they wanted to because the sovereign they "invaded" 9 times out of 10 didnt know that it was sovereign.

We should treat cultures the same way. They need to be left alone, and they need to leave churches alone. If two men want to get married, the church should keep its mouth shut when it comes to what the laws are the gov. gives. When they want to force a sovereign church to wed folks of the same sex, the church need to remind the gov. that they have no say.

The same goes with culture. Do not push gov. to make laws against churches because they are sovereign.

Thanks for reading this and let me know what you think...