Our Body, The Temple of YAHsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #spirituality8 years ago

Just because we can eat, or drink, or practically do anything, it does not mean these things are good for our bodies.

I am sure you have heard the saying that our bodies are the temple of "god" and we shouldn't put anything in them that offends "god".

But what does that all mean anyway? It doesn't mean that "god" will be upset if I have a sausage link for breakfast.
It actually really has nothing to do with food. But everything to do with attitude.

"Our bodies are the temple of "god"." Should be said like this...
We have the bodies of "god". Meaning that our bodies are patterned after the body of YAH.

The same pattern based off of the one Yashua had. The same body that was perfected after he rose from the dead.

Paul says our bodies are temples that house the spirit of YAH. This "spirit" isn't something floating around and entering folks who cry out for it.

This spirit is actually seen. You read that correctly. Seen.

John the immerser (baptist) did things in the "spirit" of Elijah.
Moses said that another would come from among them who is like him, and the people needed to listen to him.
Yashua came in the "spirit"of Moses.

Noah is said to have "walked" with YAHVAH.
All of these things point to one thing. Acting in the same way as...
Doing the same as...
Following after...
Being like...

Yashua was not "god". He was glorified to have a body that could no longer die, because he successfully lived a sinless life.

He was the "WORD" of YAH. Isaiah 55:9-11 shows this. YAHVAH spoke the word, Yashua, into existence and the word became flesh (in Mary's womb) and lived among them.

Paul says, I die daily. He puts aside the earthly temple to live in the spiritual one, daily without sin.

It is possible to live spiritually daily. Simply follow the path of Paul, who followed Yashua, who listened and followed YAHVAH.
Thank you for reading.
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The food one eats, along with the quantity of it, does have are part in a believer's experience as Paul also said, "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsover ye do, do all to the glory of God." 1 Cor. 10:31.

I see now that I left out an entire paragraph!

When I use my phone to submit a story I always write it out first.

The paragraph is...
"The sheet with four corners Peter saw was a symbol of the Gentile nations around them. Swine were a symbol of a gentile nation. This sheet was not about food, but about the meaning of the prophecies about salvation also begin for them, and the spirit being for them as well."