How Should I Fast?

in #spirituality8 years ago

As some know, and most doctors have known for some time, that fasting is great for your health. Many do not fast and are very healthy, but others often fast because they have some personal issue, or need, or weight desire.

Even if you are very healthy, it is always a good idea to fast. But what is the correct way? Some fast for 1 day, some 3 days, some 7, some 14, 21 and very very few do a 40 days fast.

I am not a doctor, and I am not a guru, but I do read the bible and I see that we need to take care when fasting. There is a juice fast, and a water only fast. This is about the water only fast.

If you do want to fast to get closer to GOD, (YAHVAH) then you need to continue doing your regular daily things, and not just sit around and do nothing. Keeping active is always the best way to go with fasting.

Do not wait for YAHVAH to come to you, you need to go to him and tell him what you want out of this fast. There is nothing wrong with letting YAHVAH know how you feel, and what is needed to be closer to him.

Do not tell folks you are fasting. It is a personal thing that we do to deny ourselves of the pleasures of this life. If not for YAHVAH but for weight, or other reasons, just tell folks that you are cleansing your body, and the best way to get rid of toxins too.

Each fast is going to need to be ended. This is the hardest time for most folks. Breaking a fast is just as important as beginning one. Take it easy on your stomach because it has shrunk after a long fast. You need to work your way back to eating solid foods again, and it may take a few days.

For 21 days or more, extreme care needs to be taken when not only fasting, but breaking that fast. After this long, your stomach has really shrink, and you will need to be VERY careful on your eating. Break the fast with a glass of warm water, and about 30 minutes later take a few tablespoons of a soup. Nothing too acidic, like a broth of some sort.

Then, 3 hours later, have a few more tablespoons, and then next day eat a little more.

Dont give your friends or family reason to worry because you will lose weight. Just inform them that the toxins in your body will be gone, and you will be a lot healthier...