Be a Mirror

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?

The fairy tale story of Snow White unravels to reveal that while on the outside the Queen appears beautiful, confident and powerful, on the inside she is vain and suffers from feelings of inferiority, want and lack. In order to bring to our attention and others attention the truth... sometimes we must become the truth of the mirror and without judgement reflect back what is being given.
Being a mirror is the best way to describe how we sometimes need to manage life’s human interactions. If you pay attention and look closely, you begin to see that we humans often feel insecure and disconnected from our true sacred source of power and thus try to take energy from others by dominating each other. This struggle is responsible for all human suffering and conflict. Sometimes what is required to create social order and balance, is to mirror what people give to us.
If someone on the street hands you a flyer that you don't want, you give it back or throw it out. That is just an analogy for what I am talking about, but it is really that simple. If someone gives you something that you don't want, such as negative energy, you give it back to them right away, as a mirror would, so that you don't absorb it and carry it around with you. If you don't, it will weigh you down, as surely as carrying extra physical weight will weigh you down.

People project feelings onto others that they can't stand to face in themselves. Don't be fooled by the way people phrase things or how innocent it seems. Negative energy is as real as all the solid matter you are sensing right now, and people try to get rid of their discomfort, fears, and doubts by giving it to others. The more attentive you become, the more you will notice this happening. There is nothing in this world that people give more freely than their negativity. If you let them give it to you, you will carry around their weight. It will become your weight, and it will come out eventually no matter how long you've repressed it, in the wrong place, at the wrong time, to the wrong person, in the wrong way.

There is no need to take shit from people and to carry their weight. It doesn't help them when you let it slide, and it doesn't help you to be passive. You are not a punching bag. Mirror back what people give you right away. You can be creative with this process, and do it with truth and love mixed in. It takes lots of practice, but it is worth it. The major benefit is that you will have no negativity from others that you are carrying around anymore, none of that extra weight on your mind. You will only have your own shit to deal with, your own mind, and all the junk it had picked up before you started being a mirror. No more crap will be adding onto the pile. You become aware of the weight you already had from earlier in your life, and find a way to deal with it, to purge it from your soul, without projecting it onto others that do not deserve it. The result of this purification of mind and soul is astounding. You will truly be able to give and radiate joy, positive energy, truth and love, without any negative energy corrupting it.