How to Attract More Good Into Your Life
How Can I Attract More Good into My Life?
Hello everyone and welcome to this weeks episode of Hearing Voices. I’m David Angelo and this week we’re going to be expanding on the Law of Attraction by discussing the ways our feeling and emotions create our experience along with our thoughts.
Today’s Voices Heard is from The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
“The word is like a seed, and the human mind is so fertile! The only problem is that too often it is fertile for the seeds of fear. Every human mind is fertile, but only for those kinds of seeds it is prepared for. What is important is to see which kind of seeds our mind is fertile for, and to prepare it to receive the seeds of love.”
Let’s get started…
Begin by being aware of your feelings in any given moment and when you are feeling good recognize that and hold onto it because the more attention you give to THOSE feelings instead of the negative ones, the more good feelings will be drawn to you. Feeling good is a sign of your alignment with Source Energy, negative feelings is your disconnect. You can always tell if you are on a right path from your feels, your alignment with your Higher Self.
Know that when you are experiencing a burst of joy/happiness/and other positive feelings, that the Universe is signaling you that you are on the right path – but if it is a decision that you need to make also know that these good feeling thoughts that you are having is the Universe telling you to dive in with both feet. You don’t have to see the entire road, just what’s a few feet in front of you. Trust. Have faith. The path will be made clear.
• The most important desire of all: the seeking of joy –
• Joy/happiness/ not only creates for you an alignment with your higher self but you also begin to vibrate with all the things that you desire
By deliberately choosing to feel good, by consciously reaching for the next better feeling thought keeps you aligned with Source. That’s your job – that’s the work – that’s The Secret.
I can hear your questions:
• “So all I have to do is think good thoughts? Happy thoughts? How hard can that be?”
In all honesty – not hard at all – or at least it shouldn’t be; because being in a state of joy is our natural state.
• “Why then is it so easy for negative thoughts to come into my consciousness and often take over?”
Because your natural state is in the state of Spirit, and your egoic state is here in the physical world. And your ego does not like to be ignored. It will do everything in its power to turn you against your higher good – because in your natural state you have no need for your ego.
So, when a negative thought comes into your consciousness, and we all know what those thoughts are by they way we begin to feel:
• We tense up
• We feel anxious
• We feel like, “this isn’t right.”
Awareness is the first step. The more adept you become at being able to identify your negative impulses the easier your ability to counter them will become.
As a means of measuring how we feel let’s take a look at a ruler. Zero is your lowest point – depression, sadness, moody. The far end of the ruler is the other extreme – Supreme Happiness – Joy!
How do you get from depression to Joy? One increment at a time. It would be unrealistic to think that someone can automatically jump from depression to happy in one fell swoop – not gonna happen. So what do you do then?
You reach for the next best feeling emotion, whatever it is. For example if you are as low as depression, anger could be an increment better that the bottom end of the ruler – depression. At least you are moving up the scale – which is the point. Keep reaching the that next better feeling thought or emotion. And as you make the conscious decision to do just that the Universe is right there with you via the Law of Attraction by bringing more good feeling thoughts and ideas into your experience. Gradually the climb gets incrementally easier.
If you hear no other voices this week – hear this one:
You are loved! Your are perfect just the way you are. You are a beautiful expression of the Love Energy that creates worlds. Look into the mirror and repeat the words “I love you.” Repeat them often everyday until you believe them.
Take care of yourselves and take care of on another. I’m David Angelo