Goddess Bath : Ylang-ylang, Clary Sage, Hemp Seed Oil, Calendula and Rose Petals.

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)


I figured with it being over 30 degrees today and I just finished that marathon crystal post through the heat, I am due for a well deserved celebratory bath.

Maybe it'll help calm my nerves down seeing that it's High Fire danger today and I hate these days.

On the hottest days I swear you can feel the tension in the air.

My Baths

My bath addiction started with Lush a couple of years ago at the old house. I used to have a bath once a week just to take time out for myself and honor the goddess within. Why not right?

I eventually got into making and selling my own bath bombs, which did really well, but the the humidity wreaked so much havoc on my fizz I eventually shelfed that line.

Which explains why I have all the ingredients to make bath salts lol

I'll take you through my process.

Step 1. Find a pretty bowl

Intention is everything so begin the process by finding something beautiful to put all your ingredients in.


Step 2. Add 1.5 tbs of Epsom Salt


Step 3. Add 1.5 TBS Himalayan Salt


Step 4. Add 1.5 TBS Fine Himalayan Salt


Step 5. Pick out some crystals.


I'm keeing it simple today and went with rose quartz and Amethyst, and of course I took one of the Brandbergs with me.


Step 6. Add flowers!

I like Calendula and Rose petals.



Step 7. Run the bath!

Step 8. Get your oils ready

I picked out ylang-ylang, clary sage and hemp seed oil for and added 2 drops of each essential oil and 15 drops of the hemp seed oil into the bath water.


Step 9. Set yourself up with a glass of water and your fave tunes so you can enjoy your bath.



  • This bath was made for detoxing, balancing and not just my physical body but also my spirit. Infusing it with love, vitality and protection.
  • Please use essential oils, organic preferred. Our skin is our largest organ and it sucks up whatever we are soaking in that's why it was important to begin with the purest of intentions, and finish off with the purest of ingredients.
  • Careful with the essential oil. Some of them burn, please do a spot test prior to using it to make sure you're ok to use it.
  • Last if using fresh flower please make sure it hasn't been sprayed with insecticide, you don't want to be bathing in that.

Do you have a bath ritual too? I'd love to hear all about it!



You are very careful about your body. Thanks for the nice post.

I've never been a big bath person, but this sounds very tempting! Thanks for sharing this beautiful ritual.

Fantastic recipe! I love making my own bath and body products... love your addition of crystals to the mix 💜

Love those crytals never thought of using it for bath, i should, looks rewarding, and detoxifying. I just have aquestion since both of us are moving on January, with my first home, how do i perform properly that ritual for clearing with salts? I used to just scatter in the windows and doors. Maybe you can post something for first home buyers

I have never done a salt cleansing on a house. But I would smudge/sage the bad juju out of that house and once that was done, you gotta grid your property. Clear quartz point (point up) dug into the 4 corners of your property.

And if still in doubt, smudge some more..


Have you looked into House number numerology? :D

Yes its a very positive number 781! And love the message behind it. Yours?

It is! Its a grear number! 7 and 8 are both lucky, all up its a 7 number house 😊 Love the 7 energy.

Ours is 23 = 5 ... We're in another 5 house. Party house and moderation house.

Another method is to clear with smudge/sage as advised, then take tiny crystal bowls (or any other glasscontainer) and fill with a tiny bit of salt. I like the tiny amethyst bowls, but you can use anything that is not porous or plastic. Sea salt or higher quality is best. Put a tiny bowl (a couple of centimeters in diameter is large enough) in the corners of the main rooms, so that they form a grid similar to the crystals you put outdoors. Or, use diagonal corners. So, for example, if you put crystals at N-E-W-S points, you could put the salt bowls in diagonal cross-quarters to amplify the grid indoors as well as out. Change the salt every 28 days or so for 6 months. Then, you can remove them if you want to. If you have companion animals, be sure to put the salt bowls where they will not be disturbed.

nice thanks for the advice will try it when we move in, ceramic bowls are ok? so crystals outdoor, also in a bowl, is ceramic bowls advisable?

More relaxed just reading about your bath!

Now that's a whole upgrade to simple bath bombs. I'll have to try it at some point.

A quick 'memo' to say this post has been featured in the latest issue of 'Notes', do stop in and see what else #thealliance has been up to. Some really good content out there!

This would be so relaxing and purifying... @bearone