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RE: How to talk to God

in #spirituality7 years ago

Thank you so much!

Yes, everything in reality is divine.
What A Course in Miracles distinguishes from all other spiritual metaphysics I know is, that it says that God is Truth and all "he" can create is also Truth and therefore eternal.
Since everything in this world is ending and existing in time (= not eternal), it is called a dream. A dream is not Truth.
ACIM tells us, that the Ego wants to make the dream true in several ways. One being, that it invents a God, that has created duality and an universe of separation - therefore making the illusion true.

Even more though, there is no "us" God could create the universe for.
We are not physical beings (or even energetic beings) incarnated in a physical body. We are pure Mind without form.
There is only one Mind that is split into the belief of duality and the remembrance of unity. Both being part of the dream, but only one a symbolic representation of Truth/God.
This is just a short remark on the courses metaphysics.

It took me more than 25 years to really grasp this and make it a living experience. So I'm totally aware that this will cause huge resistance in you and anyone trying to understand this. I also don't want my readers to believe me (or the course), but just open up for the possibility, that the very basics of what we believe to be true (wheter scientific or spiritual) are wrong.
The rest is in Gods hands anyway. In the end, only Truth is true and it doesn't need me or anyone else to defend or promote it. I see myself much more like a wakeup call.

Thanks a lot for your great comment and lovely words!

Much Love,
