
Hello @cabernet! Most of the time I meditate and focus on my breath, but I am not (yet) super strict with myself on this, as I feel sometimes my meditation turns into a prayer and I enter in communion with God, ie. I feel an opening, as if light from the skies is washing through me and I feel recharged, activated, nourished and inspired. That's where my inspiration is coming from, I think.

I was using both the apps I mentioned in this article, Headspace and Insight timer with their guided meditations to get me started. An ex of mine was also guiding us through a meditation session, which was nice and I learnt how to drop in even deeper.

But because I feel I'm only just scratching the surface now, I'm going to this meditation retreat in a couple of weeks where I intend to learn new techniques and deepen into the practice.

With or without technique, I think it's your state of consciousness and your intention that matters. You are surprised that I've had such immediate results.. well I don't think they are solely based on my meditation practice, I am trying to make my whole life a meditation, ie to adopt a mindful and conscious perspective in everything I do and experience.

I hope this makes more sense to you.. if not, I'm happy to share more :)

I see. That's amazing that you've had such a powerful experience through meditation and yoga. I am very much interested in learning how you turned your life around to become so at peace. Gonna have to follow you to learn more :)

Well, it's an ongoing journey... Peace is a big word, I don't consider myself at total peace, but surely more at peace than how I was before :) Yay, I'm glad you're interested to find out more about me! Hope you will enjoy my upcoming posts. I am going to post pages from what I call #DiaryOfAFreeSpirit, an account of my transformational journey so far.. stay tuned!