What Influence Are You Under.....

in #spirituality6 years ago


Do You know that we are all under the influence of something?
You and me, and all the others....

We are all influenced by the energy that we allowed into our life, we are influenced by the beliefs we have accepted as our own, by how we feel about our Self, by vibration of others (better watch out who is around you), by the foods we consume, by the thoughts we think, ....everything that streams toward us ... into us..... has the power to influence us.


And it is that influence that determines our perception of reality.

If you ever tried sacred plants, You know exactly how it works - you take magic shrooms or drink some magical brew... and You give yourself a totally different experience of your Self: your perception is altered, your vision is deepened, your feelings and thoughts change their nature, You find yourself under the influence of the plant that You have made a connection with (by consuming it).

Another good example of how this works is vaccines.
They inject that deadly cocktail into our human hologram.... and we end up whacked and wobbling our entire life.
Something I would know all about -
As many of you know, I am one of those lucky ones to experience the vaccine overdose (I got a few extra shots, as my immunity was so strong, it fought back!). Influenced by that cocktail, I have embarked on a healing journey that has determined my path. That is how powerful it IS - the influence.

That is how it works with all the other substances that we consume, not to the same extend as the sacred plants, but the same principal.
We drink alcohol - we feel drunk.
We give too much sugar to our kids - they become hyper active.
We consume processed foods - we experience our self heavy, fat and numb.
We eat dead foods - we experience ourselves far from being alive.

Once we understand this - we become more aware and selective of what we wish to connect with, what influence we want to be under.


All plants carry a strong vibration of life, some more than others.
Plants are gift of Nature to human beings!
Plants are healers, not the deadly pharmaceuticals.

Plants are alive, and that is what makes a plantbased diet so healing - it introduces new vibrations of LIFE to every cell of our being, which we cannot say about the modern commercialized processed - vibrationally dead - foods!

Sacred Plants are the leaders of High Vibrational substances, they are SACRED, they remove the veil from our eyes and give us experiences that we will never forget.

Super foods and sprouts come right after the sacred plants. They activate our DNA and remind us of how we are supposed to feel.
We might not feel their effect as much as the sacred plants, but they influence us on a deep subatomical level, creating a reaction that is healing, harmonizing and reviving on every level.


Fresh fruits and Veggies come right after.
Everything has a vibration, everything is charged with energy.

The next time You are about to eat something, have a look at it with the new eyes and ask yourself,
'What Vibration does it carry to my cells - Life or Death, Harmony or chaos...... Love or not" and your experience of your beautiful Self will change.
That is how easy it is.

The influence we are under determines our experience of reality!

Anna Suvorova
Health/Yoga Educator. Inspirer.
Author. Dreamer of a better world for all


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