Feelings. Our Only Way Home.

in #spirituality6 years ago


There are times in our human life when we feel stuck and disconnected.
We hurt inside in places we did not know we had.
It is important to honor those times, rather than dismiss, or worse - cover them up with our fake positivity.
In order to move on - we need to honor where we are.

I spent a lot of time processing pain (my own and collective)....and learned from this process a lot.
At times it felt like the world shut down its curtains on me, and there was not even a tiniest spark of hope for ever feeling good again.
There was no light at the end of the tunnel.
At times like that we are invited to become friends with despair and unspeakable sadness. And, understandably, we are not very keen on such friendship. There are better friends to have, for sure!


You know.. when I was hanging out with my sadness, brokenness and pain....I would look out of my human window to watch the world go by - it kept going round and round, regardless of how I felt: the flowers kept blooming, the rains kept falling, the sun kept rising every day, people were smiling, kids were laughing... I felt sad not to be a part of it, but I had to let it go.

The more I allowed myself to be in that space of sadness and despair - the more peaceful I felt.
The more I felt - the more beautiful life seemed.


Feelings do that to us - humans, I learned.
Someone said that the feelings are the language of the Soul.
Feelings allow us to process life - they turn us into alchemists, into energy shamans - we take pain - honor it and turn it into peace, we take sadness - honor it and turn it into joy, we take our brokenness - honor it and turn it into wholeness... etc.

Feeling what IS - right this moment- makes us present, it brings us to our NOW - the only place where our true POWER can be found!

Feeling stuff grabs us out of our minds and bring us to the Heart.

Feeling is our only way home.

Once we train ourselves to feel, it becomes natural to us.
Then, we are shown another reality, we are invited to another realm, that is coexisting right next to the one we all know of so well. And that is what I wish to remind you of today.


This other realm is full of magic.
None of us could ever figure it out, from the logical point of view - it makes no sense...it can only be experienced through the Heart.

This realm is always there, breathing beauty, miracles, and grace.
There is a never ending love affair going on here: between You and what lives through you... between hearts and souls, between light and the dark. A lot of healing and transformation is going on here... and none of it can be grasped by the mind.

Universe knows everybody's name here. She knows everything about you and me.

And, what I have discovered on my human journey is that our courage to FEEL stuff - no matter how hard it might be - is the only way "to get there."

The deeper we feel - the closer we get to our Spirit.
The more we feel - the stronger our Hearts become.

Invisible becomes tangible.
Everything becomes possible.
The whole Universe becomes home.



Amazing post! It's very inspiring - you said a lot of stuff that made me think about life and how I might see situations different than another person :) We should always try to make the best out of a difficult situation, but we should also make sure that we allow us to have mixed feelings about it. Trust yourself and show who you are & what you feel and the world might look very different from that point on :)

Thank you love.

I do not have any blood relation with you, but the relation between humanity is to help my brother for humanity

Sir plz my one request
This is not my steem I'd this is my brother I'd his is name is haseebkhan
My brother haseebkhan is so I'll he is in hospital his one kidny is damag 1.70 cm 10 Stones his kidney and very pin full plz help my brother and doctor advised oprishan and pay 5000 US dollars
Plz sir I request you help my brother and save my brother life plz
Check report

Dear one. I am very sorry to hear about your brother. As someone who was sick a lot in my life - I understand your frustration. Perhaps commenting this way is not the most productive way to help you brother. blessings