
I would say: try it! This is what many spiritual teachings tell us, but from my experience, most of times people are fooling themselves with this. They continue to judge subconsciously, which is way worse. The things is, the moment you really stop judging 100%, the world disappears. Actually, after an enlightenment experience I was in this state for many months, but then the world appeared again and with it judgement.
I tried to "get back" to this state for many years, but failed because of the motivation behind it was wrong by itself.

To view the world with the glasses of Heaven Inc is just a tool to cancel out the Ego Inc view, we got so used to. It's not the end all be all. Again, if really all judgements in your Mind are gone, the world is gone too. This is the only signpost to orient yourself, if you are still judging or not. If there is a world, you are. :)
Thanks for bringing this topic up! Much Love! <3

The use of the glasses of heaven as a tool to cancel out the Ego can be another form of conditioning in itself. We stick to the concepts of love or forgiveness, trying to empower them, also they can be standards against which we judge ourselves. "You can't solve a problem from the same level of thinking".

When all judgment is gone the mind is gone too, And the world doesn't disappear rather, it becomes more vivid, opulent and rich. The wonder of a child seeing everything for the first time is the best description of the state of no judgment. Then, love arises as a feeling not as a concept where it is not something to chase but to harness.

Thanks for the inspiration. :)