Looking for something right....

in #spiritual7 years ago

As human beings we spend so much of our time looking for something wrong. We look for that which is flawed. We seem to actually seek it when seeking it is such a waste of our time. Flaws are there in everything. Nothing is perfect and we need not seek the flawed or the "what is wrong with this picture" to find it because most of the time it will be quite apparent. We need not look for the wrong in a situation as it will likely appear willingly soon enough.

What we need to spend more of our time focusing on is what is right. What in this person, thing, or situation is positive? Sometimes these things are hidden from view or not easily seen. Other times, such as in the case of a person, these things are simply not easily shared or are only shared with those who are open enough to find it.

Reality is in the eyes of the beholder. If you seek what is wrong then you will find what is wrong and miss the right, but when you seek what is right, be it with a person or a thing or a situation, then you will find the hidden jewel and often it will outshine the flaws ten fold.

Let's look at a few for instances. I have a friend who has chosen to lead a path in life that is quite different from most people. He has chosen a spiritual path that is far off from the norm or even the para-norm but still for him it is a valid path and he follows it well. When I first met him he was struggling with rumors and conjecture from the community around him but still he held fast to his beliefs. I did not understand these beliefs but I chose to remain open to hearing about them. The more we talked and the more I remained open, the more I learned. I found that his path was really not as different in many ways as I had thought it might be. We discovered that we had much in common and that we could learn from each other. When I first met him I looked at him as someone I might need to lead in another direction, but I chose to remain open and seek what was right. Luckily, with this perspective, I found not only a new path to learn about but a very dear friend.

Another situation that I have seen many times goes something like this. Two people have a child. These two people are not well educated and don't really have a lot of money. Community members or even family members look down on this family and begin to look for what is wrong. If they cannot find something wrong they begin to create stories that give the perception of something being wrong. These stories begin to circulate until somebody calls the authorities to investigate. Depending on the state you live in this can be a minor nuisance to outright terrorization of the whole family. Many states don't simply visit the home but instead remove the children and then investigate. This means the children go into foster care until it is proven that the stories are not true. Now maybe 1 out of 10 times there is really something to look at and deal with but those other 9 families have been terrorized and traumatized without any cause except someone was looking for what was wrong.

Seek first what is right. If something is truly wrong it will make itself known without effort. Many religions have something that states this within their doctrane or holy texts but the one that comes to mind is from the Bible. Matthew 6:33 (King James Version) But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Seek ye first the kingdom of God.... the kingdom of God is right and good. Seek first that which is right and good within a person, place, thing, or situation. And all these things will be added unto you. What do you suppose that part means? It means that if you seek that which is right or good then you will begin to see and feel and experience that which is right and good. You will begin to shine like a light and draw the good and right to you.

I challenge you this week to seek what is right. If you begin to wonder what is wrong or start to contemplate what could be wrong stop yourself and ask if this is something that has already appeared or are you simply looking for what is wrong because you have grown too cynical or mistrustful. If it is not something that has actually shown itself willingly then ask yourself what is right. Find at least one thing that is right in any person, place, thing, or situation you encounter this week and if you are really on a roll maybe find two. As you begin to seek what is right and good it will begin to become second nature to look for it and it will begin to appear or show itself more willingly.

So in closing I say this seek ye first the right or good in anything and you will be given good and right in return. Seeking what is right is a way of giving love, if this is true then seeking what is wrong is quite the opposite. What you send out into the world or universe returns to you. So send love.